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Facilitate Workgroup Tasks #352

Closed branscombj closed 4 years ago

branscombj commented 5 years ago

Tasks for the Facilitate work group

@lzim @dlkibbe @staceypark

lzim commented 5 years ago

Tasks for the Facilitate work group

@branscombj @dlkibbe @staceypark @dlounsbu @TomRust

Turning this into a priority checklist for finalizing.

To be done after the 8 items above

branscombj commented 5 years ago

High-level 2 hours of organizing what you can do to prepare for MTL co-facilitation.

@lzim The "course guidance" I started a skeleton for back in the day might help with this task. It's not an exact 1:1 match; but it is a high-level overview that I think could help facilitators-in-training keep track of aspects of MTL.

I also started an explanation of the platform and terminology around the sim UI here. ... and other reference documentation like list of acronyms (we have now elsewhere) and acknowledgements.

lzim commented 5 years ago

Thanks @staceypark

See the links in @branscombj's post above. It may go with the overview and even the meta cheatsheet or facilitator cheatsheet.

branscombj commented 5 years ago

@dlkibbe As we complete the above checklist for each session, please check it off here. Feel free to edit this comment to add notes on partial completion, as I've done for session 3. Be sure to re-edit when more is done. There should be no note after the session number when it's all final and good to go!

@lzim @TomRust @dlounsbu @staceypark We will be working to get all sessions reviewed as quickly as possible. If you're wondering what has and hasn't been finalized, check back here.

staceypark commented 5 years ago

@branscombj @dlkibbe @lzim One more thing I would add to the list of comb-over items is to make sure that it is specifically clarified which actions should be done in the "ind" world and which in the "team" world in the done/do for the emails and session guides.

i.e. when team starts building out the qhfd and writing them up on their own, they will need to be accessing both to refer back to the text created in-session (team world) and write up their own (ind world)

branscombj commented 5 years ago

@branscombj @dlkibbe @lzim One more thing I would add to the list of comb-over items is to make sure that it is specifically clarified which actions should be done in the "ind" world and which in the "team" world in the done/do for the emails and session guides.

i.e. when team starts building out the qhfd and writing them up on their own, they will need to be accessing both to refer back to the text created in-session (team world) and write up their own (ind world)

Thanks @staceypark ! I added it to our checklist above.

lzim commented 5 years ago

@dlkibbe @branscombj @staceypark @TomRust

Can we divvy this up, and align with the TAS training schedule as we complete our GANTTs this week?

branscombj commented 5 years ago

@dlkibbe @branscombj @staceypark @TomRust

Can we divvy this up, and align with the TAS training schedule as we complete our GANTTs this week?

Yes, I will try to do that.

branscombj commented 5 years ago

@lzim @staceypark There was a time a few wks ago, I thought, when we imported all the latest SEE files from mtl.how to the TeamPSD repo, meaning to move the whole batch of SAY and SEE files back to the public-facing location when finalized. I want to be sure that we (including @dlkibbe @TomRust @dlounsbu ) haven't been making revisions to those files in different places.

lzim commented 5 years ago

@branscombj @dlkibbe @TomRust @dlounsbu @staceypark

Great question! And, VERY important clarification. SEE is at mtl.how here https://github.com/lzim/mtl, SAY is at TeamPSD here: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd

SEE - pull requests to mtl.how

For minor changes to SEE files they need to be pull requests to the Master branch of mtl.how that Stacey and I approve.

SAY - pull requests to TeamPSD

branscombj commented 5 years ago

@lzim @dlounsbu What would you think about removing time stamps from the Learner See guides? @TomRust and @dlkibbe and I talked about it yesterday. In my facilitation, I typically prefer that participants not be watching the clock or second-guessing whether we're "on time", especially since I may be intentionally adjusting on the fly to accommodate the group's need.

lzim commented 5 years ago

FYI: @dlounsbu @TomRust @dlkibbe @staceypark

Good question: Thanks for documenting this conversation here @branscombj ! 📋

What would you think about removing time stamps from the Learner See guides?

  1. GitHub Dialogue is key to our shared understanding and our Level 2 Resources:

    • Tracking any conversations like this is critical, because we want to move toward a shared understanding of how to facilitate the MTL Theory of Change now that our larger research trials are funded.
    • As we work to improve our Team PSD time management, we will use our three shared facilitate_workgroup meetings as working meetings to avoid unnecessary unlearning and/or rework.
    • Even as it extends our timeline to launch, developing "Level 2" resources for facilitators, cannot be done by Team PSD members unless their framing of the participatory learning and systems thinking goals and emphases across the 12-session plan is rock solid.
    • Now, as we scale, it is preferable to devote our time to mutual learning with the OMHSP TAS during the progressive #manuscriptmondays, Wednesday intersession preparation and Friday demonstration lessons.
    • And, 😄 everything we document in terms of this rationale can go in the facilitator SEE guide 📖
  2. This learner SEE guide change concerns me in ways that will be helpful to link to our larger focus and priorities now.

    • We need to highlight these dimensions 💎 now as we transition away from our several years of learner-focused development, to really training MTL Facilitators (you!) to deliver the developed program with fidelity to the MTL Theory of Change, as part of a research trial.
  3. We developed the learner SEE guides in their current form with lots of iterative participatory learning with stakeholders. 🌀

    • We learned to add the timestamps after our 4 years of participatory, iterative development.
    • Our learners are mental health providers who are very practiced watching the clock.
    • Depending their specialty, they are seeing new patients every 30 minutes or every 50 minutes, given what they've told us about their stress of "limited time," we have learned to expect that showing them the time will help them to do two very important things: a. Reduce their anxiety about whether we're doing a good job covering what we are supposed to be covering. Sticking to within session time will show we are competent facilitators worthy of them sharing team meeting time, knowing that we will end on time for them to see their patients. b. With the team format, if we provide timestamps (i.e., a clear agenda), it is also more likely that these practiced time managers will moderate their in-session time more effectively all by themselves.
  4. Modeling to Learn is developed. Now, facilitator training is underway.

    • The time for focusing on changes to the learner SEE (level 1) documentation is over.
    • These SEE guides that have largely been stable through several rounds of iterative testing from the R21 teams (May 2015-Sept 2018), to the MTL Facilitate Pilot (Sept 2018), to the MTL Video Shoot (Nov 2018), through MTL Facilitate Training - Learner Mode (Mar-Apr 2019).
    • Now we have to test the federally peer-reviewed program that we developed, as it was reviewed and funded. 💵
    • We can safely transition away from developing the learner materials, and transition to practicing being MTL Facilitators.
  5. Research shows that supervised practice is key to fidelity

    • Research shows that fidelity is key to achieving desired outcomes.
    • So, we have to learn to avoid adjusting "on the fly," in terms of time management.
    • Given how hard tailoring to a local team, while maintaining fidelity, within the existing team meeting really is, we need to prioritize and practice using the intersession checklist timestamp scripts for our teams.
  6. We need to make sure variation in our R01/IIR trial outcomes is NOT due to variation in our facilitators

    • We aren't launching a national quality improvement program, we're doing a randomized, multi-site implementation science trial.
    • This means we aim to create generalizable knowledge about what works for whom, under what conditions, and why.
    • Therefore, we need to work very, very hard to do everything in our power to ensure that variability in our outcomes is NOT due to variability in facilitator fidelity to the MTL Theory of Change that we are testing across the arms of these trials (i.e., lack of facilitator competence).


  1. Training ourselves as MTL Facilitators up to fidelity is the key the critical path to our R01/IIR launch. 🚀
  2. We cannot launch until we are all competent maintaining fidelity across all modules and across the 12-session plan. 📆
  3. We will work hard on this across sessions and modules at the F2F, so that we can begin training the TAS. 💻
  4. Our highest priority need now as MTL Facilitators is supervised practice triaging our 4 priority questions to make sure that we practice to get those done within the time-frame. 🕙
branscombj commented 5 years ago

@lzim @TomRust @dlkibbe @staceypark @dlounsbu In order to carve out 7-8 days for dedicated MTL travel and work, I will be focused on my non-VA projects until Thursday. I've changed my RSVP to today's meeting, but in the past that hasn't made it to folks' radar so just letting you know here. I know Debbie and I got some of the aligning See-Say files done over the weekend. I'll continue to work on getting that task completed (despite what I just said:).

lzim commented 5 years ago

Thanks @branscombj

I saw your “no” rsvp. Thanks! It does help to see it in advance!

We are giving folks the time back to work (on Team PSD or other work), but I will make myself available at 11AM Pacific on #manuscriptmondays Lucid meeting to answer any questions folks may have in advance of the f2f

Thanks! FYI: @staceypark @tomrust @dlkibbe and @dlounsbu

dlkibbe commented 5 years ago

@branscombj @dlkibbe @TomRust @dlounsbu @staceypark

SEE - pull requests to mtl.how

For minor changes to SEE files they need to be pull requests to the Master branch of mtl.how that Stacey and I approve.

I've tried to do edits twice to mtl.how and did a pull request to create branch and it says I do not have permission to create a branch. So I'm focusing on the say edits only.

branscombj commented 5 years ago

@branscombj @dlkibbe @TomRust @dlounsbu @staceypark

SEE - pull requests to mtl.how

For minor changes to SEE files they need to be pull requests to the Master branch of mtl.how that Stacey and I approve.

I've tried to do edits twice to mtl.how and did a pull request to create branch and it says I do not have permission to create a branch. So I'm focusing on the say edits only.

@staceypark @jessfroe @lzim Could you let us know our process for this please.

Update I just tried and it looked like I was successful in creating a pull request for a See file. @dlkibbe I think maybe @staceypark fixed the settings for mtl.how that were preventing us from making PRs.

lzim commented 5 years ago

So, @branscombj @staceypark @jessfroe @dlkibbe @TomRust @dlounsbu

It looks like #352 is the meta-issue on these tasks that we've now divvied up into the document_tracker.

I expect we may be able to close this issue, unless, there is anything on this list that has not be captured in our new workflow.

I still see that we need to clarify at least 3 things at the workgroup leads meeting and in the tracker/workflow SOP.

1) How to use the checklist in the document_tracker to provide a standard review.

2) We also need to make sure everyone knows how to add to or edit dependent issue cards to make sure they've been cross-checked.

3) Last, we need to clarify how/when issues should be closed when there are dependencies.

branscombj commented 5 years ago

Data UI/Splash page nomeclature follow-up (copied from 10/25/19 Lucid) @lzim @staceypark @dlkibbe @holbrooa

Where I was headed when I brought this up on Monday was not so much whether we should use the term "splash page", but how we define - and whether it even matters to be precise - the Data UI. Is it everything starting from mtl.how/data; or only the Excel file from which you select clinics, review data and vizzes, and calculate parameters for the Sim UI?

My impression from observing our fearless leaders is that technically, mtl.how/data takes you to the Splash Page for the Data UI and the actual Data UI is the Excel file - AND, that it isn't really a problem if you call all of it the Data UI, as long as you can be clear when you're on the Splash Page and are seeing only Facility-level data vs. when you're in the Data UI and looking at team-specific, individual-level data and sim parameters. The first part of my Monday question was trying to discern whether our Splash Page is something VA clinicians already know and call by that name (i.e., not unique to MTL).