lzim / teampsd

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systems_thinking_coding #78

Closed lzim closed 4 years ago

lzim commented 6 years ago

Hello Qualitative Workgroup!

Starting an issue for us to track our work on the systems thinking coding of Team Meetings.

The Systems Thinking Codebook is here: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/tree/master/qual_workgroup/codebooks

The coded team meetings are here: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/tree/master/qual_workgroup/coded_meetings



staceypark commented 5 years ago

@teampsdkathryn @dlounsbu @ericasimon We would typically meet at 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern tomorrow for our 2hour Qual meeting. We could however move it earlier to 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern? Let us (stacey.park2@va.gov and erica.simon@va.gov) know if this would work for folks

fyi @lzim and @swapmush are both out right now.

dlounsbu commented 5 years ago

I would be happy to meet at 4pm EST instead of 6pm EST.

teampsdkathryn commented 5 years ago

Dear Team, 1 pm Pacific, 4 pm EST would work a lot better for me😊 Thank you, Kathryn

teampsdkathryn commented 5 years ago

Hello Everyone, I have called into the meeting!!

Best Regards, Kathryn

Thank you and have a great week coding! Best Regards, Kathryn

@swapmush @ericasimon @staceypark @dlounsbu @teampsdkathryn @lzim

dlounsbu commented 5 years ago

I am just trying to connect now. Are you in Lucid?

teampsdkathryn commented 5 years ago

Hello David,

I am in Lucid. I am at a VA workstation in Menlo Park. Best Regards, Kathryn

teampsdkathryn commented 5 years ago

I'm still getting the music:)

@ericasimon @staceypark @dlounsbu @teampsdkathryn

dlounsbu commented 5 years ago


We see you, but there is no audio button active next to your name!


dlounsbu commented 5 years ago

Great work yesterday. My big concern, now, is how will we get this done in a timely way?

dlounsbu commented 5 years ago

@swapmush @ericasimon @staceypark @dlounsbu @teampsdkathryn @lzim

I have two Qual Coding meetings in my calendar for Tuesday, From 4pm-5pm EST and again from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. I can only attend the 4pm meeting. I have a dinner meeting with my Chair that conflicts with anything after 5pm EST. Best, @dlounsbu

lzim commented 5 years ago

Good Morning Team PSD 😸

Attention to two interdependent workgroups:

@TomRust and I simplified our (C.F.B.T.) definitions of Systems Thinking even further, and I added it to the

MTL focuses on improving systems thinking among frontline teams making care decisions.

Systems Thinking Definition
Complex Forest not trees. Relationships among two or more variables (wait times, improvement rate), or two or more settings (primary care, general mental health).
Feedback Loop not line. Not simple cause and effect. The end of the story often influences the beginning, and is strengthened (reinforcing) or stabilized (balancing) around the loop.
System Behavior Movie not snapshot. Trends over time.  Systems cause their own behavior through feedback.
Time Short and long term. Better understanding of change over time (e.g., worse before better, better before worse).
swapmush commented 5 years ago

I am having trouble with updated Mac OS Mojave and getting updated version of R 3.6.1 to work. This may be a problem unique to my computer, when I find fix, I will post in case others run into same issue.

lzim commented 5 years ago


Did you ask @saveth about this? She is an R and Mac user?

staceypark commented 4 years ago

@lzim @jessfroe @dlounsbu @teampsdkathryn @swapmush It looks like this got lost as we changed workflow tracking systems. This issue was used for a while to track our systems thinking work. Where (if at all) does it make sense to place this issue?

I've placed it into the feature_tracker for now. But if it makes sense to close the issue, we can do that as well.

jessfroe commented 4 years ago

@staceypark as far as I know, systems_thinking_coding was completed a while ago and we have since moved on to fidelity_coding. It looks like some additional housekeeping tasks were being tracked here (see @swapmush 's comment about R) but I believe those have been resolved as well. I personally think this issue can be closed but I'll defer to @lzim @dlounsbu @teampsdkathryn @swapmush before we close.

staceypark commented 4 years ago

I resolved @swapmush issue with him already. I am going to go ahead and close this. Anyone can feel free to reopen if necessary.

@staceypark as far as I know, systems_thinking_coding was completed a while ago and we have since moved on to fidelity_coding. It looks like some additional housekeeping tasks were being tracked here (see @swapmush 's comment about R) but I believe those have been resolved as well. I personally think this issue can be closed but I'll defer to @lzim @dlounsbu @teampsdkathryn @swapmush before we close.