lzx551402 / ASLFeat

Implementation of CVPR'20 paper - ASLFeat: Learning Local Features of Accurate Shape and Localization
MIT License
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problem in 3D recon on ETH. Points shifted from reference images #8

Closed GabbySuwichaya closed 4 years ago

GabbySuwichaya commented 4 years ago

Hi ! Thank you for the great work and sharing! ASLfeat is a very competitive method and is currently one of the best in MMA.

So, I have been interested in the ASLfeat's performance on 3D reconstruction as it seems that ASLfeat is doing very well in providing high registered images and sparse points.

So, I run a small test using the output from your package and integrate it into ETH Benchmark evaluation on Herzjesu.

Could you advice if I should set anything in addition ?

Here is the results of ASLfeat.

Screenshot from 2020-09-18 02-27-54

Also, just to give a reference. Here is the results of SIFT. The other methods seem to do ok too.

Screenshot from 2020-09-18 02-47-16

Also, I attached my setting in the config here. If it happened that I did not set something right, please let me know:.

data_name: 'eth'
data_split: ['Herzjesu', 'Fountain', 'South-Building']  #['Gendarmenmarkt', 'Madrid_Metropolis', 'Tower_of_London']
data_root: '/mnt/HDD4TB1/local-feature-evaluation/datasets'
truncate: [0, null]
model_path: 'pretrained/aslfeat/model.ckpt-380000' # 'pretrained/aslfeat/model.ckpt-60000'  # 
overwrite: true
  max_dim: 2048 #1600 #
    kpt_n: 20000 # 20000
    kpt_refinement: true
    deform_desc: 1
    score_thld: 0.5
    edge_thld: 10
    multi_scale: true
    multi_level: true
    nms_size: 3
    eof_mask: 5
    need_norm: true
    use_peakiness: true
  suffix: '_aslfeat20K2048_380'
GabbySuwichaya commented 4 years ago

Just to update. I think I found a big bug in your code... In L 59, feat_model, you have made an extract scaling which leads to the wrong scaling....
So, the scalling np.array([W / data_size[1], H / data_size[0]], dtype=np.float32) should be removed.

So, instead of this ..... kpts = kpts[idxs] *** np.array([W / data_size[1], H / data_size[0]], dtype=np.float32)**

It should be this .... kpts = kpts[idxs]

vdvchen commented 4 years ago


Thank you very much for this observation! We checked the code and find this is indeed a scaling bug. We have fixed it in the latest commit. This bug causes issues when input size exceeds config['max_dim'], which is set as 2048 by default. We will investigate the bug's influence on our previous results.

The shifting issue in your case mighted be caused by this scaling bug. Could you please try our latest code and tell us if the probelm is solved?

GabbySuwichaya commented 4 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. I have seen the commit id 4ca6cf4.... You have removed that line and that fixed the issue on 3D recon. ....But that is as far as I know.

DHNicoles commented 3 years ago

@GabbySuwichaya Hi, When you do 3D reconstruction, what kind of matching method did you using on ASLfeat?

GabbySuwichaya commented 3 years ago

@DHNicoles I used the NN Matching, just like those in https://github.com/ahojnnes/local-feature-evaluation.

DHNicoles commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I have used SuperPoint+SuperGlue for 3D reconstruction, and visualized with colmap, it works well. So I'm a little interested in the result of ASLFeat+SuperGlue, but no relevant discussion was found.

GabbySuwichaya commented 3 years ago

@DHNicoles I am not sure about the size of ASLFeat's descriptor... So far what I know is that SuperGlue was trained with SuperPoints, and the pre-trained model is based on the descriptor size of 256.

Moreover, if you read SuperGlue's paper carefully, you'll find that the SuperGlue has been tested with SuperPoint as well as SIFT. In some way, you may need to train SuperGlue + ASLFeat features.....by yourself..... as far as I can remember. The author of SuperGlue does not release the training script. [But if you find one, I would appreciate if you can share the code.]

However, I think the match of SuperGlue + ASLFeat should work well, because ASLFeat has very high repeatability, just like SuperPoint [This is an underlying condition of SuperGlue].

x1597275 commented 3 years ago

Hi ! Thank you for the great work and sharing! ASLfeat is a very competitive method and is currently one of the best in MMA.

So, I have been interested in the ASLfeat's performance on 3D reconstruction as it seems that ASLfeat is doing very well in providing high registered images and sparse points.

So, I run a small test using the output from your package and integrate it into ETH Benchmark evaluation on Herzjesu.

  • The problem is that I have got the following results. The sparse points projected on images are shifted from where it supposed to be (as shown in the image number 8 on the right).

Could you advice if I should set anything in addition ?

Here is the results of ASLfeat.

Screenshot from 2020-09-18 02-27-54

Also, just to give a reference. Here is the results of SIFT. The other methods seem to do ok too.

Screenshot from 2020-09-18 02-47-16

Also, I attached my setting in the config here. If it happened that I did not set something right, please let me know:.

data_name: 'eth'
data_split: ['Herzjesu', 'Fountain', 'South-Building']  #['Gendarmenmarkt', 'Madrid_Metropolis', 'Tower_of_London']
data_root: '/mnt/HDD4TB1/local-feature-evaluation/datasets'
truncate: [0, null]
model_path: 'pretrained/aslfeat/model.ckpt-380000' # 'pretrained/aslfeat/model.ckpt-60000'  # 
overwrite: true
  max_dim: 2048 #1600 #
    kpt_n: 20000 # 20000
    kpt_refinement: true
    deform_desc: 1
    score_thld: 0.5
    edge_thld: 10
    multi_scale: true
    multi_level: true
    nms_size: 3
    eof_mask: 5
    need_norm: true
    use_peakiness: true
  suffix: '_aslfeat20K2048_380'

hello,I'm a beginner ,can you tell me how to use the aslfeat in colmap ? I can use colmap but don't konw how to use aslfeat in colmap together.

GabbySuwichaya commented 3 years ago

Hi, I follow the standard way ....https://github.com/ahojnnes/local-feature-evaluation.
So, please check https://github.com/ahojnnes/local-feature-evaluation/blob/master/INSTRUCTIONS.md

x1597275 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I follow the standard way ....https://github.com/ahojnnes/local-feature-evaluation. So, please check https://github.com/ahojnnes/local-feature-evaluation/blob/master/INSTRUCTIONS.md

than you very much!

x1597275 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I follow the standard way ....https://github.com/ahojnnes/local-feature-evaluation. So, please check https://github.com/ahojnnes/local-feature-evaluation/blob/master/INSTRUCTIONS.md

Hi bother you again,I follow the instructions to build the colmap successful,and I use aslfeat compute the keypoints and descriptor like this: Screenshot from 2021-04-20 10-28-10 Screenshot from 2021-04-20 10-01-10 but when I run the vocab_tree_builder_float,it reports this: Screenshot from 2021-04-20 10-00-42

I debug the code found that when the code read database to get the images,there are no images in the database.db,can you tell me what you did when run the 'vocab_tree_builder_float'? Screenshot from 2021-04-20 10-31-43

GabbySuwichaya commented 3 years ago

Hi! I am not quite sure about this ....

I think it is best to post this question to the original repo: https://github.com/ahojnnes/local-feature-evaluation ... It is more related to how to set up descriptor size and build COLMAP ( I guess) ....

Also, maybe you should check this one as well. I also use the following repo for using COLMAP with Custom Features: https://github.com/tsattler/visuallocalizationbenchmark/tree/master/local_feature_evaluation#using-colmap-with-custom-features https://github.com/tsattler/visuallocalizationbenchmark/tree/master/local_feature_evaluation

Or, maybe you should tag the author of the ASLFeat repo, as well. I am not a contributor; I am just a loyal fan .... just like you :) .

x1597275 commented 3 years ago

Hi! I am not quite sure about this ....

I think it is best to post this question to the original repo: https://github.com/ahojnnes/local-feature-evaluation ... It is more related to how to set up descriptor size and build COLMAP ( I guess) ....

Also, maybe you should check this one as well. I also use the following repo for using COLMAP with Custom Features: https://github.com/tsattler/visuallocalizationbenchmark/tree/master/local_feature_evaluation#using-colmap-with-custom-features https://github.com/tsattler/visuallocalizationbenchmark/tree/master/local_feature_evaluation

Or, maybe you should tag the author of the ASLFeat repo, as well. I am not a contributor; I am just a loyal fan .... just like you :) .

OK,I'll try,thank you!