m-clark / book-of-models

Spells for everyday living. (also a book coming out in 2024)
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Isabella's suggestions #88

Closed m-clark closed 1 week ago

m-clark commented 4 weeks ago

Some was already addressed, so picking up from a relevant point: See also #59.

Continuing on with a fresh mind:

The statement “The take-home message is that we can interpret our result in a linear or nonlinear space, but it can be a bit difficult.” seems to beg for a bit of elaboration.

For binary or binomial regression models, we have 3 possible scales of interpretation; each scale comes with its own metric(s).

As I see it, the scales are:

  1. Log Odds
  2. Odds
  3. Probability

The reader should know that we can easily go from one scale to another.

The scale-specific metrics can be:

  1. Log Odds
  2. Odds; Odds Ratios
  3. Probabilities; Differences in Probabilities; Ratios of Probabilities; etc.

(I hope I got this right. 😂)

The model is fitted on the first scale but that is the least interpretable to a lay audience; so results can be expressed on the higher-level scale to achieve increased interpretability.

This is nitpicking now BUT non-linearity comes into play when we focus on EFFECTS of predictors on the odds or probability scale.

In particular, for continuous predictors, effects that were postulated as linear on the log odds scale become non-linear on the probability scale.

That non-linearity means they can no longer be described with a single number (i.e., a slope) - unless one ventures into marginal effects territory. They have to be visualized and described qualitatively, and/or described numerically where they change shape.

Also, predictors which do not interact explicitly in their effects on the log odds scale can end up interacting implicitly on the probability scale.

So that using different scales can lead to conflicting messages (which is fine - that’s just the way these models work).

Someone here on Twitter (forget whom) described this as: each scale tells a different story and the stories can be different.

In this sense, models with non-linear links are multi-story models.

The reader gets to choose what stories to tell depending on their audience.

Because this multi-story business is such a tricky thing in applied statistical practice, I think it deserves more elaboration than the original sentence hints at.

Of course, I may be biased here, but that’s only because I myself have struggled for years until this all clicked.

My pet peeve is jumping into a model’s R formula before explaining what the model is trying to do conceptually. 🤣

From this viewpoint, when introducing the first logistic regression model in the GLM chapter (on good vs bad movie ratings), this is needed:

a) A clarification for the reader that there are two flavours of logistic regression - binary and binomial. (Data format dictates which one we choose, etc.)

b) An explicit mention of the Bernoulli distribution as a special case of the Binomial distribution for n = 1.

c) An explanation on how the first logistic regression model is in fact a binary logistic regression model; base R does not have a bernoulli family so we will still fit it with the binomial family. (Other packages like brms do have a bernoulli family.)

d) A comment on the “purpose” of the model: description / explanation AND/OR prediction. (I am using ‘description’ for focusing on reporting associational effects; ‘explanation’ for reporting causal effects).

How we present model results is driven by the purpose of the model.

For d), we can state for instance that we will focus on investigating the (associational?) effects of word count (i.e., review length?) and gender of reviewer on the probability/chance of a good movie review, etc.

“We need to know what those results mean.”

We do - but at this stage, we have to be crystal clear on the purpose of the modelling, the modelling scale on which we will report the results, the metric of interest for that scale, etc.

We need to be prepared upfront!

Your figures are a thing of beauty!!!

For “Figure 5.4: Model Predictions for Word Count Feature”, I would suggest plotting the curves for both genders on the log odds scale (left) and on the probability scale (right).

Showing this augmented figure BEFORE interpreting the model summary would clarify so many things for the reader. They would see first hand how the linear effect of word count for each gender becomes on the log-odds scale becomes non-linear on the probability scale.

Why keep saying “it’s difficult to interpret this effect”? Just show the connection between scales visually.

m-clark commented 3 weeks ago

These are generally very good points and need to be considered. Here are some thoughts on what we might incorporate or not:

Again these are all great points to consider in some fashion. We'll think more on how to incorporate some of these issues without getting bogged down in a discussion of things that are exclusive to academic reporting expectations (in some domains).

m-clark commented 1 week ago

I think we're in good shape. Much of this has been addressed as needed for this book I think.