m-e-conroy / angular-dialog-service

A complete AngularJS service with controllers and templates for generating application modals and dialogs for use with Angular-UI-Bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap
MIT License
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Error, Notify and Wait dialogs don't close with ui-bootstrap-0.13.0 #120

Open Luftzig opened 9 years ago

Luftzig commented 9 years ago

I have been using angular-dialog-service with ui-bootstrap-0.12.1 successfully for sometime, but with ui-bootstrap-0.13.0 neither the close button, the X button, or clicking on the backdrop closes the dialogs. Custom dialogs with my own close logic do work (they call $modalInstance.close() ). Root cause is in the call to $scope.$destroy() in the default close functions which prevent afterAnimating callback in $modalStack from executing.

niemyjski commented 9 years ago

Can you create a pull request for this. Also, I haven't been able to reproduce this issue with my site.. What version of angular are you using?

niemyjski commented 9 years ago


niemyjski commented 9 years ago

Is there any chance you could create a jsfiddle for this?