m-e-conroy / angular-dialog-service

A complete AngularJS service with controllers and templates for generating application modals and dialogs for use with Angular-UI-Bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap
MIT License
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preventDefault #58

Closed tony8891 closed 10 years ago

tony8891 commented 10 years ago


I really like what you did. Great job !

I was wandering if i can have this:

                                var dlg = dialogs.confirm("Please confirm", "warning. Leave without saving?");
                    $scope.allowNavigate = true;
                    return true;

Just doesn't stop the navigation.

for me this works if (confirm("warning. Leave without saving?")) { $scope.allowNavigate = true; return true; } else { event.preventDefault(); }

m-e-conroy commented 10 years ago

Thanks, sorry for the late reply, just trying to catch up after a long vacation.

Thats not really a function of the dialog. I understand what you're trying to do, I think in this instance the object returned by the modal instance is out of scope of the event, also if this is a link it may have left the page already before the promise is returned. The "confirm" that is allowing you to stop navigation is a function of the browser itself and will pause events waiting for a response, the in page dialog doesn't do this since it works as a JS promise.

I think what you want to do is something like this:

<a class="btn btn-default" ng-click="navigate('http://so.me/url')">Go Some Where</a>

then inside your controller:

var _unsavedFlag = true;

$scope.navigate = function(url){
        var dlg = dialogs.confirm("Please Confirm","Warning, Leave without saving?");
        dlg.result.then(function(){ // yes
            $window.location.href = url;  // leaves without saving.
        },function(){ // no
            // do some saving

Of course you'll have to set _unsavedFlag some how when your $scope models change.

Again sorry for the late reply, hopefully you found a solution in the meantime.