A complete AngularJS service with controllers and templates for generating application modals and dialogs for use with Angular-UI-Bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap
I'm wondering if I can easily set a backdrop per dialog since I don't want same behavior for all dialogs.
I've tried :
But it gives me an error since this method is from dialog.service and not dialog itself
I've found a workaround by adding a parameter to function create but I'd like to know what is the best way to do this without touching source code (have to minify myself, no compatibilties when updates etc )
Hi there and thanks for your super plugin !
I'm wondering if I can easily set a backdrop per dialog since I don't want same behavior for all dialogs.
I've tried :
But it gives me an error since this method is from dialog.service and not dialog itself
I've found a workaround by adding a parameter to function create but I'd like to know what is the best way to do this without touching source code (have to minify myself, no compatibilties when updates etc )