m-e-meyer / av-snapshot

Humble successor to cc_snapshot
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Voter booth #9

Open Aliisza opened 3 months ago

Aliisza commented 3 months ago

When running av-snapshot even if you own voter booth and have the "voteAlways" pref set to true. It will change it to false, and not greenbox the voting booth.

m-e-meyer commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your comment! The thing is, av-snapshot.ash does not use set_property() at all, so it couldn't be setting your voteAlways to false. Something else must be going on in your environment. My own Voting Booth is properly greenboxed.

Aliisza commented 3 months ago

Huh strange. Cause I do have it, and it was greenboxed at one time. But now when I check the pref for voteAlways I can set it to true. But as soon as I run av-snapshot when it's checking for Mr. Items, it will change it back to false and then it doesn't green.

EDIT: Adding some CLI confirmation.

Preference voteAlways changed from false to true


Loading map files... Checking skills... Checking tattoos... Checking trophies... Checking familiars... Checking for Mr. Items... Preference voteAlways changed from true to false Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 2329 to 2330 Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 2330 to 2331 Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 2331 to 2332 Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 2332 to 2333 Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 2333 to 2334 Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 2334 to 2335 Checking for Cool Items... Checking for discoveries... Checking consumption... Checking miscellaneous levels... Contacting database... Database updated You can visit your profile at https://api.aventuristo.net/av-snapshot?u=aliisza

m-e-meyer commented 3 months ago

Your current profile does show you having had the voter registration form, so the preference change happens after that preference is read. Still, av_snapshot.ash doesn't change any properties, so something else is doing that. I also have Mafia r27956, and I just ran av-snapshot with no issues. Perhaps Mafia is confused about your Voting Booth. What would cause that, I wonder. Do you have any absentee voter ballots?

Aliisza commented 3 months ago

Apparently it's because when voteToday is true. Mafia sets voteAlways to false.

m-e-meyer commented 3 months ago

I can confirm what you said (finally - I upgraded my laptop to Fedora 39, and it somehow messed up my local database). It's not a problem with av_snapshot, but may be a good FAQ candidate. Thanks for the heads-up!