m-ender / retina

A regex-based programming language.
MIT License
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Short versions of common patterns #64

Closed CatsAreFluffy closed 7 years ago

CatsAreFluffy commented 7 years ago

For example, .+ could be one of the characters from A0-FF in ISO 8859-1. Other useful shortenings could include .*, character classes (ie \d), (x) (x is a single char), stage headers (ie M`), stage headers with common configuration (ie M!`)...

m-ender commented 7 years ago

Sorry, but I'm not planning to add more non-ASCII characters to Retina. I'm already not super happy with having in the language. Retina isn't super competitive as a golfing language to begin with, and no amount of non-ASCII shorthand is going to fix that. I'll keep Retina terse, but usable.