m-h-c-t / mh-helper-extension

A Chrome / Firefox browser extension that helps collect data for HitGrab's MouseHunt game
MIT License
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Track Sunken City Zones #192

Open AardWolf opened 1 year ago

AardWolf commented 1 year ago

Separate from hunts, track the zones a hunter sees in their sunken city journey. Would have to make sure each zone seen is only tracked once - so probably unique by hunter id, zone type, and starting distance.

AardWolf commented 1 year ago


AardWolf commented 1 year ago

Of concern is how we figure out when people are doing multiple dive/surface looking for a good start.

Also how we process a new dive in general, should they reach a depth they already submitted in a previous dive. Compare against last submissions and accept higher values or if they are all lower?

AardWolf commented 1 year ago


I have my nose in the treasure zone so the "left" is for positioning in the hud, not a distance.

It looks like distance would have to be calculated using the current zone and lengths.