m-h-c-t / mh-hunt-helper

Tool to help collect data, estimate attraction, catch, and drop rates for a popular game.
MIT License
7 stars 14 forks source link

add scoreboards for top hunters of each mouse #20

Open logicalup opened 7 years ago

logicalup commented 7 years ago

see mh official scoreboards or ht one https://www.mousehuntgame.com/scoreboards.php?tab=0&type=QuestRiftBristleWoods%3A%3Aacolytes_caught&search=&period=all&who=all


tehhowch commented 6 years ago

Given that you log crowns, this can be done similarly (as it is with HornTracker's MostMice). The cost is, naturally, storage space for per-mouse counts rather than per-category.

As with HT's scoreboards, there is the privacy factor to consider, along with the last of "definitiveness" - you only know the catches that you are allowed to know about (vs the official ones).