m-j-w / CpuId.jl

Ask the CPU for cache sizes, SIMD feature support, a running hypervisor, and more.
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Fixes for 1.0 #31

Closed miguelraz closed 6 years ago

miguelraz commented 6 years ago

This PR looks to upgrade CpuId.jl to 1.0 We have

miguelraz commented 6 years ago

Should we turn on Travis as well in the repo @m-j-w ?

m-j-w commented 6 years ago

@miguelraz Yes, please. I already merged this PR.

m-j-w commented 6 years ago

@miguelraz So the errors from appveyer are related to the failing test script?! What do I do about that?

"using Pkg; Pkg.test(coverage=true)"
C:\julia\bin\julia -e "%JL_TEST_SCRIPT%"
   Testing CpuId
 Resolving package versions...
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package Test not found in current path:
- Run `Pkg.add("Test")` to install the Test package.

I have idea how to solve this.

miguelraz commented 5 years ago

I think it is best to ask on the #upgradathon slack channel for some pointers.