Closed zyb1984 closed 1 year ago
I just edited your comment by reformatting the code part. This is difficult to troubleshoot for me, because I can't really reproduce your steps. I'm usually not testing the package on a Windows system.
However it should not be necessary to install the CGAL library. The current version uses the CGAL headers provided by the RcppCGAL
package. You can ignore your CGAL local installation for now. More important is a working C++ 17 compiler.
Is this probably related to a recent and similar issue on Windows, #35 ? Do you get a similar error message?
Can you check if you can install the dependencies without problem, such as Rcpp
, bh
and RcppCGAL
The last one contains the CGAL headers used by the WeightedTreemaps
package. It was recently removed from CRAN due to some issue, but you can install it from github using remotes::install_github("")
. Try this and get back with the error message if you get any.
In the mean time you can use a Shiny App to plot your data -->
Hi, thank you very much, and I have successfully resolved this issue. In step 1, following the recommendations of the RcppCGAL package, I pre-installed the CGAL library and added the CGAL_DIR. In step 2, I added the following lines:/ // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppCGAL)]] // [[Rcpp::depends(BH)]] // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen)]] / [[Rcpp::depends(cgal4h)]] to voronoiDiagram.cpp,
great! I'm not sure that step 2 is necessary, this should be automatically taken care of with the LinkingTo
field in the DESCRIPTION file. Also, you only need one installation of CGAL headers, so this link to the CGAL 4 package is def not required // [[Rcpp::depends(cgal4h)]]
I tried to install WeightedTreemaps through Github, but encountered a fatal error: “voronoiDiagram.cpp:13:10: fatal error: CGAL/MP_Float.h: No such file or directory”. I have followed the tutorial and installed CGAL and cgal4h. However, the CGAL version I installed is 5.6. The detailed information is as follows:
How should I resolve this error message? Should I downgrade the CGAL version to 4.x? Or is it because we haven't added CGAL to my environment variables? If it's due to me not correctly adding CGAL to the environment variables, how should I properly add the environment variable? I installed CGAL in the following location using vcpkg: 'C:\local\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include\CGAL'. Thank you very much for your attention and assistance.