m-kirsanov / pokemap_live_ios

iOS Pokemon Live Map
11 stars 4 forks source link

no pokemon #3

Closed pixelwix closed 7 years ago

pixelwix commented 7 years ago

I can't seem to get it to find any Pokemon. I've had version 1.2 installed and running for 5mins and not a single Pokemon has popped up on the map. :(

m-kirsanov commented 7 years ago

@pixelwix hm, maybe there are no pokemons around your location? with last niantic api changes max radius for one scan is about 200meters, and one scan takes about 1 min. Plus app can receive pokemon data from my server(each user shares pokemons with others through it), but currently app has a little users count.

pixelwix commented 7 years ago

no I'm pretty sure theres pokemone within the 200m radius.. this is ipoke go client using th Pokemongo-map server https://cl.ly/h2iJ and yours https://cl.ly/h2m0

m-kirsanov commented 7 years ago

@pixelwix is spinner on bottom always visible?

pixelwix commented 7 years ago


m-kirsanov commented 7 years ago

@pixelwix ok, i'll try to find problem, you have some bug with auth. Please close app and try open later.

pixelwix commented 7 years ago

is it possible for us to sign in using the ptc account like the old one?

m-kirsanov commented 7 years ago

@pixelwix i will add this feature in next release (PTC/google)

pixelwix commented 7 years ago

ok thanks

chriscakes commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem.. no pokemons are showing and the spinner is showing all the time.. had it up for about 5 minutes aswell

m-kirsanov commented 7 years ago

1.3 release