Text below this line was originally copied from the etl-gardener README.md. However, I believe it is out of date an no longer necessary. Removed from
TODO(soltesz): b/c v2 gardener & parsers are co-located in the GKE cluster,
these steps may be overly complex for what is now needed.
Kubernetes Cluster and Network
Gardener provides a Jobs API service to the ETL parsers. So the parsers can
access this service, we run gardener in a GKE cluster with a custom internal
network and reserve a static ip address for the Gardener service at
The network and firewall rules are set up manually using:
gcloud --project=mlab-sandbox \
compute networks create data-processing --subnet-mode=custom \
--description="Network for communication among backend processing services."
gcloud --project=mlab-sandbox compute firewall-rules create dp-allow-ssh \
--network=data-processing --allow=tcp:22 --direction=INGRESS \
--description='Allow SSH from anywhere'
gcloud --project=mlab-sandbox compute firewall-rules create \
dp-allow-internal --network=data-processing \
--allow=tcp:0-65535,udp:0-65535,icmp --direction=INGRESS \
--source-ranges=, \
--description='Allow internal traffic from anywhere'
Then the subnet and the static IP address...
gcloud --project=mlab-sandbox \
compute networks subnets create dp-gardener \
--network=data-processing --range= \
--enable-private-ip-google-access --region=us-east1 \
--description="Subnet for gardener,etl,annotation-service. Subnet has the same name and address range across projects, but each is in a distinct (data-processing) VPC network."
gcloud --project=mlab-sandbox compute addresses create etl-gardener \
--region=us-east1 --subnet=dp-gardener --addresses=
Text below this line was originally copied from the etl-gardener README.md. However, I believe it is out of date an no longer necessary. Removed from
TODO(soltesz): b/c v2 gardener & parsers are co-located in the GKE cluster,
these steps may be overly complex for what is now needed.
Kubernetes Cluster and Network
Gardener provides a Jobs API service to the ETL parsers. So the parsers can
access this service, we run gardener in a GKE cluster with a custom internal
network and reserve a static ip address for the Gardener service at
The network and firewall rules are set up manually using:
Then the subnet and the static IP address...
Then create the cluster itself.