m-lab / locate

M-Lab Locate Service, a load balancer providing consistent “expected measurement quality” using access control
Apache License 2.0
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Periodic drops in Locate healthy instance count #149

Open cristinaleonr opened 1 year ago

cristinaleonr commented 1 year ago

On July 20th, we observed sharp, periodic drops in the Locate's healthy instance count since about June 6th.

Screenshot 2023-07-21 4 35 50 PM

Screenshot 2023-07-21 4 37 14 PM

The drops affect all experiments equally and are only visible in production (not in sandbox or staging).

Screenshot 2023-07-21 4 41 40 PM

The drops seem to happen on roughly a ~3 hour schedule, which lines up with the 3-hour synchronous clients that target the platform.

Screenshot 2023-07-21 4 45 27 PM

Screenshot 2023-07-21 4 45 38 PM

stephen-soltesz commented 1 year ago

Thinking about this, I realized in our first investigation we did not look at the response of these flash crowds to the number of App Engine instances. We're clearly hitting the upper limit for instance count (40) - And, I'm again struck by how the total recovery time takes about an hour, which is the same as App Engine's longest connection time. And, that the number of reported heartbeat connections doesn't have the same long recovery as health status does. What could cause this mismatch?

count (locate_health_status{experiment=~"$experiment.*"})

Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 10 42 59 PM

min by (experiment) (locate_health_status{experiment=~"$experiment.*"})

Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 10 44 39 PM

sum by (experiment) (locate_current_heartbeat_connections{experiment=~"$experiment.*"})

Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 10 44 28 PM

Zoomed in on one of the spikes, the healthy count drops before the instance count rises.

Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 10 48 58 PM
stephen-soltesz commented 1 year ago

I'm suspecting this might just be cpu exhaustion again. The config uses a 2 CPU VM. I recommend estimating the cpu time per request during steady state and seeing if the request rate during synchronous scheduling exceeds the expected capacity.

Screen Shot 2023-08-01 at 8 46 06 AM
stephen-soltesz commented 1 year ago

Roughly about 30% of the time (one hour every 3 hours), we have about ~5-10% reduction in reported available servers for up to an hour, with instantaneous availability dropping as low as ~50% over shorter 4-5min windows.

Screen Shot 2023-08-01 at 6 17 17 PM
cristinaleonr commented 1 year ago

The CPU utilization shown on App Engine does not seem to go above 75%.

Screenshot 2023-08-02 10 44 50 AM

It does seem to show the periodic scaling events, which would cause a lot of the Heartbeat instances to reconnect to the new Locate instances.

Screenshot 2023-08-02 11 09 52 AM

It also looks like some of the health transmissions from the Heartbeat and the writes to Memorystore from the Locate are taking a bit longer than expected (not sure I see any periodic patterns in the former, though).

Screenshot 2023-08-02 10 48 10 AM

Screenshot 2023-08-02 10 49 51 AM

So, what I think is happening is that high latency for some of these operations is causing the entries to expire, but the connection is not being terminated because the operations are succeeding (no error &g0.tab=0&g0.stacked=0&g0.show_exemplars=0&g0.range_input=1d) is returned). This would explain why the number of heartbeat connections recovers quickly, but the number of healthy instances drops and does not recover until the connection is killed and the registration is re-sent.

stephen-soltesz commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the update! Ooh, okay; so the registration is removed but health updates continue? Is it possible to make health updates without a remaining registration an error case?

Other questions/thoughts:

stephen-soltesz commented 1 year ago

Also a general thought / observation, the unintended interaction between user-requests and platform-requests (the latter being vulnerable to the former) seems like an anti-pattern. Ideally, these would be independent of one another. This could be an argument for separating the request handling in different services for the different cases.

cristinaleonr commented 1 year ago

The recovery time has been reduced from ~1 hour to 5 mins. Screenshot 2023-08-17 9 45 51 AM

sum by(le) (increase(heartbeat_health_transmission_duration_bucket{workload=~"$experiment.*"}[5m]))

I see mostly durations in the 0-2 seconds bucket now (though there are a few in the 30+ one). Screenshot 2023-08-17 9 46 26 AM

mattmathis commented 1 year ago

Here is a query to identify clients with simple Time-of-Day schedules.
https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery?sq=754187384106:6748707322b04693a2d74358ea40a7fd Clients near the top of the list are likely to be causing us harm, clients further down not so much. It does not check to see if the tests are run in the same minute of each hour. I could add this (and other) properties if they would help.

I excluded from the query a large number (thousands) of windows clients that run 1 or 2 tests per day against many servers. I am guessing this is a connectivity monitoring tool and that the tests are not synchronized with other clients (I saw this behavior in other beacon data), LMK if there are other scoring properties that might be helpful.

See the last subquery for documentation on the columns.

cristinaleonr commented 1 year ago

The following query joins 3-hour periodic client data from measurement-lab.ndt.ndt7 with user agent data from the Locate ("2023-08-28").

WITH periodic AS (
  SELECT raw.ClientIP, COUNT(*) AS testCount, TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(a.TestTime, HOUR) AS roundTime
  FROM `measurement-lab.ndt.ndt7` 
  WHERE date = "2023-08-28"
  AND (TIMESTAMP_DIFF(a.TestTime, TIMESTAMP "2023-08-28 01:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(a.TestTime, TIMESTAMP "2023-08-28 04:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(a.TestTime, TIMESTAMP "2023-08-28 07:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(a.TestTime, TIMESTAMP "2023-08-28 10:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(a.TestTime, TIMESTAMP "2023-08-28 13:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(a.TestTime, TIMESTAMP "2023-08-28 16:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(a.TestTime, TIMESTAMP "2023-08-28 19:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(a.TestTime, TIMESTAMP "2023-08-28 22:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
  GROUP BY roundTime, ClientIP
  ORDER BY testCount DESC

windows AS (
  SELECT ClientIP, COUNT(*) AS windowCount, SUM(testCount) AS testSum, ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(roundTime, testCount)) AS periods
  FROM periodic
  ORDER BY windowCount DESC

locate AS (
  SELECT httpRequest.remoteIp, ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT httpRequest.userAgent IGNORE NULLS) AS userAgent
  FROM `mlab-ns.locate_exports.appengine_googleapis_com_nginx_request_20230828`
  GROUP BY httpRequest.remoteIp

SELECT ClientIP, testSum, userAgent, periods
FROM windows INNER JOIN locate ON (ClientIP = locate.remoteIp)
WHERE windowCount = 8
cristinaleonr commented 1 year ago

The integration responsible for the 3-hour scheduled requests has been identified as that using the "ndt7-client-go-cmd/0.5.0 ndt7-client-go-cmd/0.5.0" user agent string (graph).

Screenshot 2023-09-07 5 31 48 PM

The following queries show that the requests are coming from 7876 different IPs, with a maximum of only 28 requests per IP/minute. So, it's not possible to just limit a specific set of IPs using this user agent. A more generic rate limiting solution will need to be implemented (e.g., setting a limit on the number of requests/minute for any client).

SELECT httpRequest.remoteIp AS metric, COUNT(*) AS requests
FROM `mlab-ns.locate_exports.appengine_googleapis_com_nginx_request_20230830`
WHERE httpRequest.userAgent = "ndt7-client-go-cmd/0.5.0 ndt7-client-go/0.5.0"
GROUP BY httpRequest.remoteIp
ORDER BY requests DESC
SELECT TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(timestamp, MINUTE) AS time, httpRequest.remoteIp AS metric, COUNT(*) AS requests
FROM `mlab-ns.locate_exports.appengine_googleapis_com_nginx_request_20230830`
WHERE httpRequest.userAgent = "ndt7-client-go-cmd/0.5.0 ndt7-client-go/0.5.0"
GROUP BY time, httpRequest.remoteIp
ORDER BY requests DESC
cristinaleonr commented 12 months ago

Number of tests sent per day by the integration during the 10 minute slots of periodic requests every 3 hours: 76,497 (~2% of total tests).

  FROM `mlab-ns.locate_exports.appengine_googleapis_com_nginx_request_20230927`
  WHERE httpRequest.userAgent = "ndt7-client-go-cmd/0.5.0 ndt7-client-go/0.5.0"
  AND (TIMESTAMP_DIFF(timestamp, TIMESTAMP "2023-09-27 01:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(timestamp, TIMESTAMP "2023-09-27 04:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(timestamp, TIMESTAMP "2023-09-27 07:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(timestamp, TIMESTAMP "2023-09-27 10:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(timestamp, TIMESTAMP "2023-09-27 13:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(timestamp, TIMESTAMP "2023-09-27 16:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(timestamp, TIMESTAMP "2023-09-27 19:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
    OR TIMESTAMP_DIFF(timestamp, TIMESTAMP "2023-09-27 22:00:00+00", SECOND) BETWEEN 1 AND 600
cristinaleonr commented 12 months ago

In total, tests with the "ndt7-client-go-cmd/0.5.0 ndt7-client-go/0.5.0" user agent string represent about 80,000 tests per day.

  FROM `mlab-ns.locate_exports.appengine_googleapis_com_nginx_request_20230927`
  WHERE httpRequest.userAgent = "ndt7-client-go-cmd/0.5.0 ndt7-client-go/0.5.0"
mattmathis commented 12 months ago

I wrote a query to detect all ndt7 clients that don't seem to be randomizing their run times (e.g. a large fraction of their tests are in roughly the same minute). BigQuery Client amd64,ndt7-client-go,0.4.1,ndt7-client-go-cmd,windows,0.4.1 is not just hitting hard, it is also hitting 9-11 different sites. There are lots of other clients that are also using poorly randomized timers

mattmathis commented 12 months ago

Here is more information on the BigQuery

It intended to has some additional (manually curated) filtering and then be used to generate a pattern matcher, to block requests early in the process. The Output columns are:

cristinaleonr commented 12 months ago

Change https://github.com/m-lab/locate/pull/162 was released yesterday at EOD. We did not see any periodic drops in the Locate's healthy instance count today.

Screenshot 2023-10-03 3 49 55 PM