m-lab / murakami

Run automated internet measurement tests in a Docker container.
Apache License 2.0
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Investigate K3s and openBalena for managing a fleet of devices #56

Closed robertodauria closed 4 years ago

robertodauria commented 4 years ago

We're looking for options to manage a fleet of devices running Murakami (provisioning, configuration, remote management, etc).

robertodauria commented 4 years ago

OpenBalena (in its opensource version) has a few limitations that we would like to avoid. It only supports a single user and there is no UI/dashboard like in Balena Cloud.

The flexibility that comes with Kubernetes in terms of users and configurations management can potentially allow us to integrate Murakami Viz more closely with it in future. Also, it's a technology the M-Lab team as a whole is pretty familiar with.

A downside of K3s is that we will need to implement a lot of the automation around devices management by ourselves.