hints = The snmp_exporter service runs in a Docker container on a GCE VM named 'snmp-exporter' in each M-Lab GCP project. Look at the Travis-CI builds/deploys for m-lab/prometheus-snmp-exporter, or SSH to the VM and poke around.
summary = The snmp_exporter service is down on snmp-exporter.mlab-oti.measurementlab.net:9116.
Alertmanager URL: http://status.mlab-oti.measurementlab.net:9093
firing http://status.mlab-oti.measurementlab.net:9090/graph?g0.expr=up%7Bjob%3D%22snmp-exporter%22%7D+%3D%3D+0+or+absent%28up%7Bjob%3D%22snmp-exporter%22%7D%29&g0.tab=1
TODO: add graph url from annotations.