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A leading-edge control system for quantum information experiments
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dashboard/master: Calling setattr_argument() for the same key but different type raises a TypeError on the master #2397

Open systemofapwne opened 5 months ago

systemofapwne commented 5 months ago

Bug Report

One-Line Summary

Calling self.setattr_argument(key,...) for the same key but different type raises a TypeError on the master

Issue Details

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Load the minimal example experiment below via dashboard
  2. Click submit
class ArgError(EnvExperiment):
    def build(self):
        self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = NumberValue(default = 1, ndecimals = 2, scale=1.0, unit="Γ"))
        self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = Scannable(default=NoScan(1,1), scale=1.0, unit="Γ"))

    # NOTE: This minimal example experiment does not reflect our actual application. We rather see the issue, when
    # we import a sub-experiment in order to extend it for scanning:
    # def build(self):
    #   self.child_exp = ChildExp(self) # <-- Calls self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = NumberValue(default = 1, ndecimals = 2, scale=1.0, unit="Γ"))
    #   # Adding scannable here
    #   self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = Scannable(default=NoScan(1,1), scale=1.0, unit="Γ"))

    def run(self):

Expected Behavior

The second call to self.setattr_argument(key,...) should internally update the type of the argument.

Actual (undesired) Behavior

The master raises a TypeError

# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]: ERROR:worker(14925,arg_error.py):root:Terminating with exception (TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a real number, not 'dict')

# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]: Traceback (most recent call last): 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:   File "/nix/store/kdba2hsq9ssa21n96zr6v3za09sk2hik-python3-3.10.11-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/artiq/master/worker_impl.py", line 331,
# in main 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:     exp_inst = exp((device_mgr, dataset_mgr, argument_mgr, {})) 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:   File "/nix/store/kdba2hsq9ssa21n96zr6v3za09sk2hik-python3-3.10.11-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/artiq/language/environment.py", line 251
# , in __init__ 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:     self.build(*args, **kwargs) 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:   File "/home/gardener/artiq/experiments/arg_error.py", line 6, in build 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:     self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = NumberValue(default = 1, ndecimals = 2, scale=1.0, unit=" ~S")) 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:   File "/nix/store/kdba2hsq9ssa21n96zr6v3za09sk2hik-python3-3.10.11-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/artiq/language/environment.py", line 318
# , in setattr_argument 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:     setattr(self, key, self.get_argument(key, processor, group, tooltip)) 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:   File "/nix/store/kdba2hsq9ssa21n96zr6v3za09sk2hik-python3-3.10.11-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/artiq/language/environment.py", line 311
# , in get_argument 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:     return self.__argument_mgr.get(key, processor, group, tooltip) 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:   File "/nix/store/kdba2hsq9ssa21n96zr6v3za09sk2hik-python3-3.10.11-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/artiq/language/environment.py", line 220
# , in get 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:     r = processor.process(self.unprocessed_arguments[key]) 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:   File "/nix/store/kdba2hsq9ssa21n96zr6v3za09sk2hik-python3-3.10.11-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/artiq/language/environment.py", line 183
# , in process 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]:     return float(x) 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]: TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a real number, not 'dict' 
# Apr 24 16:30:23 onion launch-artiq-master-no-git[1121378]: ERROR:master:artiq.master.scheduler:got worker exception in prepare stage, deleting RID 14925 

Your System

Additional notes

The experiment works as expected when ran via artiq_run.

dnadlinger commented 5 months ago

The second call to self.setattr_argument(key,...) should internally update the type of the argument.

I think as a user I'd prefer getting a clear error message on the experiment side (exception thrown with better error message). Otherwise, doesn't this risk introducing unexpected dependencies on the order classes are instantiated?

systemofapwne commented 5 months ago

[...] Otherwise, doesn't this risk introducing unexpected dependencies on the order classes are instantiated?

It depends on, what you want to do.

In our specific case, we have sub-experiments structure like this here

# This is a "Controler" class, that controls various aspects of an experiment. Such as turning one specific part on or off. Here, it sets a detuning
class Controler(HasEnvironment):
    def build(self):
        self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = NumberValue(default = 1, ndecimals = 2, scale=1.0, unit="Γ"))

    def init(self):
        # Will use self.detuning_blue attribute in here

    def set_detuning(self, detuning):
        # Does not use self.detuning_blue in here but uses the argument passed

# The main Experimentm that works fine
class MainExperiment(EnvExperiment):
    def build(self):
        self.setattr_argument("some_other_attribute", processor = NumberValue(default = 1, ndecimals = 2, scale=1.0))
        self.Controler = Controler(self) # <-- This will call setattr_argument() on MainExperiment instance for arguments: detuning_blue

    def run(self):
        self.Controler.init()   # Initializes to default values. Not necessary but
        # Do other stuff below

# An experiment, that should replicated ALL parameters of MainExperiment and then specificly scan over one parameter
class ScannableExperiment(EnvExperiment):
    def build(self):
        self.setattr_device("scheduler")    # Used later in the run method below

        self.Exp = MainExperiment(self) # <-- This will call setattr_argument() on ScannableExperiment instance for arguments: detuning_blue, some_other_attribute

        # Now, we want to modify a specific attribute to make it scannable and still use its original name
        self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = Scannable(default=NoScan(1,1), scale=1.0, unit="Γ"))     # <- This line later causes an exception, since detuning_blue has been previously defined as "NumberValue" via the MainExperiment(self) call above and artiq thinks, it still is of that type, while the data of it is now a dictionary, according to the Scannable representation

    def run(self):
        # Loop over the scannable.
        # Pseudo code here: It decomposes the detuning_blue ScannableObject into individual "NumberValue" type 
        # and then loops over them. Individual experiments of type "MainExperiment" are then submitted to the scheduler, 
        # where the arguments of detuning_blue is scanned.

I have to admit, that this looks like a very special case. But it if the user specificically says "I overwrite this existing argument of type A to new type B", then the underlaying code should comply. Apparently, artiq seems not do to so.

For the time being, I have written an ugly workaround, that easily might fail in the future, if the implementation of the artiq environment changes:

class ArgReplicator(HasEnvironment):
    """ Replicates arguments of an experiment on a parent experiment """
    def __init__(self, exp):
        self._exp = exp
        self._args = {}
        # HACK: We disguise ourself to be the "argument manager" in order to intercept calls to self.__argument_mgr.get() inside artiq.environment.HasEnvironment.get_argument
        # NOTE: This could break in future Artiq versions, when HasEnvironment.__init__ is or the argument manager's get() method is getting refactored
        # dev_mgr =       exp._HasEnvironment__device_mgr
        # dataset_mgr =   exp._HasEnvironment__dataset_mgr
        # sched_def =     exp._HasEnvironment__scheduler_defaults
        self._HasEnvironment__argument_mgr = self

    def get(self, key, *args):
        """ Intercept Artiq calls of artiq.environment.HasEnvironment.get_argument for later use """
        # NOTE: This could break in future Artiq versions, when artiq.environment.HasEnvironment.get_argument is getting rewritten
        self._args[key] = args

    def setattr_argument(self, key, processor=None, group=None, tooltip=None):
        """ Try to extract group and tooltip, if already was set from the experiment we derive from """
        if key in self._args:
            v = self._args[key]
            group = group or v[1]
            tooltip = tooltip or v[2]
        self._args[key] = (processor, group, tooltip)

    def args(self):
        """ Return a list of all arguments of the experiment """
        return list(self._args.keys())

    def __call__(self):
        if not self._exp: return
        for key, args in self._args.items():
            self._exp.setattr_argument(key, *args)

With this, we can now write our Scannable Experiment's build() method like this:

# An experiment, that should replicated ALL parameters of MainExperiment and then specificly scan over one parameter
class ScannableExperiment(EnvExperiment):
    def build(self):
        self.setattr_device("scheduler")    # Used later in the run method below

        repl = ArgReplicator(self)

        self.Exp = MainExperiment(repl) # <-- This will call setattr_argument() and internally the argument manager is intercepted by the ArgReplicator. Arguments are NEVER passed to the argument manager here

        repl.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = Scannable(default=NoScan(1,1), scale=1.0, unit="Γ")) # Overwrites existing detuning_blue on the ArgReplicator object

        repl()  # Applies all arguments of the ArgReplicator on the instance of this very class here.

Since I am a fan of fixing problems rather than working around them, the argument manager should just allow changing previously defined arguments if the users choses so.

SimonRenblad commented 5 months ago

The experiment works as expected when ran via artiq_run.

I should note here (for the sake of completeness) that artiq_run only works if the "detuning_blue" argument is not set. For the minimal example above, the following code throws the same exception:

artiq_run <FILE> "detuning_blue={'value': 1, 'repetitions': 1, 'ty': 'NoScan'}"

Additionally, if the minimal example was altered slightly with StringValue instead of NumberValue:

class ArgError(EnvExperiment):
    def build(self):
        self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = StringValue(default = "string"))
        self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = Scannable(default=NoScan(1,1), scale=1.0, unit="Γ"))

No exception is thrown and the experiment is run without issues. (Calls to get_argument would not return the expected value however...)

SimonRenblad commented 4 months ago

A few thoughts regarding this issue after tinkering with it for a bit.

The workaround provided works as long only as long as there is no logic in build that depends on get_argument since the processing of unprocessed arguments is deferred until the end of build. An example of this is shown below. I do not know how common such usage is, but we do expose get_argument so it should to be accounted for.

def build(self):
    if self.get_argument("checked", processor=BooleanValue(default=True)):
        # build logic
        # other build logic

I also do not think that suppressing errors caused by processor.process() is a good solution, as it may lead to some confusing behavior and misleading error messages for easy mistakes. Example: Entering an invalid string to a NumberValue would cause the message "Supplied argument(s) not queried in experiment".

One potential solution is to take the deferred concept from @systemofapwne's ArgReplicator and make it a part of the API. It may look something like this:

def build(self):
    self.defer_processing("detuning_blue")   # key is marked for deferral

    # these 2 calls no longer process the unprocessed arg, `self.detuning_blue` is set to default value
    self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = NumberValue(default = 1, ndecimals = 2, scale=1.0, unit="Γ"))
    self.setattr_argument("detuning_blue", processor = Scannable(default=NoScan(1,1), scale=1.0, unit="Γ"))

    self.set_deferred() # "detuning_blue" is processed by `Scannable` and set as attribute + kernel invariant

This would allow the usage of sub experiments as desired without having to change their interface, as defer_processing and set_deferred can be called by the top-level experiment. Obviously better names would be given for these methods as well...

Thoughts on this @systemofapwne?