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Automatic plotting/configure applets from scripts #431

Closed dkienzler closed 8 years ago

dkienzler commented 8 years ago

Original description

Is there a way to call applets from the script for given datasets or automaticly plot the output of a fit/scan etc.? If not, I think we need that.


sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

How is this supposed to work?

r-srinivas commented 8 years ago

I think it means we should be able to start an applet from a script, i.e, create an applet with the parameters we want, set it enable so when you submit the experiment you can see the plot without having to separately set up the applet.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Yes, but how is it configured? What if the applet already exists? What if the experiment creates an applet, then the user modifies its parameters in the GUI, and the experiment is run again - should it create another applet?

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

When an experiment starts an applet, how to display it in a way that does not disrupt whatever the user was doing?

r-srinivas commented 8 years ago

Probably one would have to identify the applet by some sort of name. If it already exists, I think it should just enable the applet. If it doesn't exist it should create it and enable immediately. If the name of the applet is the same but the parameters are modified perhaps it should just replace the old applet of the same name?

If the experiment starts an applet I think it's fine if it just pops up like it does if you start an applet now. I imagine in the typical use case, the user has just submitted an experiment and wants to see the plot immediately so is expecting the applet to pop up somewhere anyway.

dkienzler commented 8 years ago


I'm not sure if I under stand 'disrupt what the user is doing' correctly. Do you mean the current window, text box etc. looses focus? Or is there something more fundamental? Would it be possible to leave these decisions to the user? It might be that we see that we need some plots to open and focus and not replace other plots but some data from several experiments might be plotted in just one applet replacing whatever was in there before. Or we might want to plot several data sets from multiple runs of the same experiment in the same graph/plot. For now I would be happy to be able to open a applet and tell it what to plot from the experiment script. and the applet overrides an applet with the same name/id or just overrides the data with the new data, but leaves the position of the app as it was. Is there some documentation about the applets or some sort of roadmap/future feature list? One option might also be to include plots in the experiment window.


jordens commented 8 years ago

That applet dock would appear at some random time. Completely independent and unrelated to a user action. This goes against HIG in a rather offensive way and kills usability. Imagine you are just dragging and dropping something or just about to click on some TTL button and the UI changes under your nose/mouse. In the worst case your click will now end up on the new applet. Sensibly, we could think about doing this but only at the request of the user ("fill/open suggested applets").

dhslichter commented 8 years ago

Come on, Robert. This was a hostile answer to a legitimate proposal for how things might work. If the user has the ability to select whether the applet receives focus or not when it appears (and the default behavior is for it not to receive focus), then users should be able to customize to their taste, regardless of generalized principles of UI design saying that having a window receive focus when it appears is not a good idea. If this is the functionality that is being requested by multiple users, it seems clear that it does not in fact "kill usability".

The big issue is this: right now there is no way of sending data from an analyze() method to be displayed in an applet in an automated way. So how about something like this:

What would the difficulties be in implementing such a specification? Are there corner cases not considered here that would need to be handled?

jordens commented 8 years ago

No Daniel. Calm down. It is hostile to attack the style of a contribution or the person behind it. And others would even take it personal if their technical comments are brushed away and consider that hostile. But attacking the content of a comment with specific criticism is not hostile. That's just an argument. You should really not use "many people want something like this" as a means to short-circuit a technical discussion on how to implement it.

Did you really just completely ignore the proposal to resolve my criticism?

If a user interface changes in certain ways (stuff appearing, disappearing or moving around) not as a response to a request by the user, then that's is problematic. Users are offended by applications creating windows and docks when they didn't ask for them and when they can't at least roughly predict when they will jump at them. Calm, organized, and predictable behavior of a UI is so much more valuable. The docks/windows don't even have to steal focus. Whether a new window gets focus or not is not relevant. Its mere appearance can easily lead to undesired effects because the user does not expect it.

This is not some hypothetical and obscure corner case construct that we are making up just to get rid of tedious feature requests: just try moving windows around or clicking on buttons in HfGui while it is starting and spewing more and more windows in more or less unpredictable places. Or a random fat news web page that changes while it is loading. Or just ads on the web.

The corner cases not considered are (summarizing what was said already):

But other than that who said the feature per se is particularly difficult to implement? It is just work. Doing it right and without breaking other things is what's difficult.

jordens commented 8 years ago

And it is instructive to see this feature as part of a bigger concept, scripting the dashboard. Both because discussing the bigger concept would provide clear and "obvious" guidelines on how to implement this and because other feature requests will come that also fall into this concept. Scripting the GUI would allow users to open/close/arrange groups of experiments/applets, implement typical lab work-flows (load ion, tweak things, do physics, keep stuff calibrated) etc.

dhslichter commented 8 years ago

OK, so let's attack the problem. Where/when do you propose to have a "fill/open suggested applets" feature? This cannot be a dialog box that pops up or else it violates the same UI guidelines that you have described. So how should it be implemented? If there is a dedicated permanent button on the UI that can be clicked by the user when desired, that would be good. So now the questions:

I think that a lot of these notions extend in a reasonable way to interfacing with experimental replay concepts, but all thoughts/suggestions/comments are welcome. All things with a checkbox/button listed above would also need to be scriptable obviously.

@dkienzler @r-srinivas I am interested in your thoughts on these ideas.

dkienzler commented 8 years ago


@jordens @sbourdeauducq Right now we are typing the name of the data set in a new applet we create by hand in the GUI. this is very cumbersome. Is there some other way you intended the GUI plotting to be used? Is there some way of coding the applets? I don't think filling in dataset names in the GUI for ~ 200-400 experiments (which is minimum of what we've looking at for Quantum 2) is a viable option. Robert, I don't see a problem with a plot updating if it's in the background. Could you elaborate on this? This is actually the way the GUI currently behaves, if the applet is already open and the experiment is automatically re-run, the new data gets filled into the applet automatically. Another question: Right now everything seems to be happening in one main window. That's not very usable for a multi-screen environment. Is it possible to break the window up in several? Maybe I just haven't found how this works... (See also below for the option of a dashboard for plots.)

@jordens @sbourdeauducq @dhslichter @r-srinivas My experience originates from the Zurich Ionizer derivate, where you get a new plot window for every experiment you run. I see that it is not possible to use that scheme for a large-scale experiment with constant calibrations running automated. Still I think it's necessary to be able to look at these plots quickly. Do you think a dashboard might be an option, where all or most open applets live? (In Quantum 2 we are talking about ~5 calibration experiments run in the background, so not the 400 I was talking above about). I think a 'hold' feature like Daniel described it would certainly be nice, or a possibility to plot, say the last 5 scans of a calibration run, where always the oldest gets dropped when a new calibration is run. This would probably need some kind of counter on the data sets. I think the queue Daniel suggested is not the worst Idea. I would still vote for an option "open immediately". If you're operating a very basic experiment I think there is no danger of being overwhelmed by random plots popping up. The common window I think would also be a good think to have, for scans you run once in the morning, but don't have a calibration for running in the background.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Right now we are typing the name of the data set in a new applet we create by hand in the GUI. this is very cumbersome.

2.0.dev has autocompletion.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Another question: Right now everything seems to be happening in one main window. That's not very usable for a multi-screen environment. Is it possible to break the window up in several

You can resize the main window to span several screens, and detach docks and place them on other screens.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

a possibility to plot, say the last 5 scans of a calibration run, where always the oldest gets dropped when a new calibration is run.

The calibration experiment can maintain a single dataset with the output from its last 5 runs (e.g. as 2D numpy arrays where one dimension is the run number), and then a custom applet can plot them as desired.

dhslichter commented 8 years ago

Right now we are typing the name of the data set in a new applet we create by hand in the GUI. this is very cumbersome.

2.0.dev has autocompletion.

While it is a small improvement, this doesn't address the main issue -- one should not have to manually type in the datasets to be plotted in an applet every time. We need to be able to automate this completely given the number of plots that will be shown in typical use cases.

dhslichter commented 8 years ago

@dkienzler I don't think that having a new plot come up for each experiment run is the ideal way to go, given the complexity of things (although I don't think you are really proposing to do this?)

dkienzler commented 8 years ago

You can resize the main window to span several screens, and detach docks and place them on other screens.

OK. Thanks. I only tried this with the experiment window, for which it does not work.

dkienzler commented 8 years ago

@dkienzler I don't think that having a new plot come up for each experiment run is the ideal way to go, given the complexity of things (although I don't think you are really proposing to do this?)

No, not in principle, but possibly for each experiment (one for carrier A, one for rsb A, one for carrier B ...) But it would still be nice to have access to all of them. I played around a little and of course it's possible to just call the dataset the same in each experiment, that way they are going to be shown in the same window. But I guess that will make it impossible to later look again at old plots (and also it's discouraged in the manual). I think wildcards might be a viable solution. That way I could call my datasets 'X_DATASET_carier_xyz_time_scan' and call it in an applet with '--x X_DATASET*'. And I could still later open a applet to look at 'X_DATASET_carier_xyz_time_scan' specifically by defining '--x X_DATASET_carier_xyz_time_scan'. We would just need to make sure, that it always takes the newest dataset that maches the wildcard-string. I guess that way I would even be able to number the different runs of the experiment. Do you think that would be possible? Probably I've forgotten some caveat.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

OK. Thanks. I only tried this with the experiment window, for which it does not work.

Unlike docks, the experiment windows are captive to the main window. But there should be no problem with the main window spanning multiple screens.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

The analogy here would be to something like the HFGui common plot, where you have a window that can be used to show the latest counts vs scan variable scan, for example. This is primarily for diagnostic purposes in an experiment so you may not want a new window to pop up each time you change scan variable, for example. In the case of something like the common plot, you would probably not want to have to hit "fill/open applets" every time a differently named dataset is to be shown in the "common plot", so having a mechanism that allows one to update the data in an existing applet to new/differently named datasets without user clicks/interaction would be nice.

While not perfect, copying the dataset to another "common_xy_plot" dataset in the experiments is a simple way of doing this.

But I guess that will make it impossible to later look again at old plots (and also it's discouraged in the manual).

Old plots are archived in the HDF5 files, and there will be a separate tool (artiq_browser) to look at them. Though you may not want to archive "common_xy_plot" etc. in the HDF5s (but only the original copy of the datasets)...

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Would the following ideas solve most of the problem:

  1. In addition to the actual datasets, experiment manage "display" datasets. Those work in the same way as the "common plot" in HfGui. A display dataset may contain data from multiple runs (e.g. the last 5 calibrations), and the relevant experiments push their own data and discard old data. Display datasets are broadcast-only and not stored in HDF5, unless they correspond exactly to a non-display dataset. The non-display datasets do not need to be broadcasted and are chiefly written locally to the HDF5 file.
  2. For complicated cases, custom applets may have to be developed to correctly display and interact with the relevant display datasets (e.g. those that contains history). An example of an interactive applet with somewhat complex datasets is plot_xy_hist, to be run in combination with the histograms example.
  3. RID and experiment name are attached to datasets (#229) and can be displayed by applets.
  4. Applets gain a "hold" button that works the same as the hold button of digital multimeters/oscilloscopes.
  5. Plotting data from the HDF5 archives is the job of the browser (#230) and/or user-developed scripts (HDF5 is a standard format and can be read by many tools). The browser may gain some scripting functionality (to be discussed) as we cannot simplify applets by having the concept of experiment-managed display datasets anymore.
dhslichter commented 8 years ago

These are good ideas, @sbourdeauducq , but I don't really see how they will address the main issue that was initially raised, namely automated generation of new applets from an experimental run. Are we backtracking completely on the "fill/open suggested applets" idea? The point is that we would like to be able to run experiments and have various results appear without having to manually invoke applets with specific dataset names.
To your individual points:

  1. This would work, but it seems like we could already do this in the existing framework (except the broadcast-only, do-not-save aspect, which would reduce clutter in the HDF5 files but I think is probably not really that necessary). It does add complication/confusion to the existing design to have these two classes of datasets. I might just add a parameter like archive=True/False, similar to broadcast, to datasets, when created, to determine if they will go into the HDF5 file.
  2. This would be nice, so you could see what last updated a given plot.
  3. How does the behavior of the "hold" button affect updates? Are all dataset updates broadcast to the applet while on "hold" simply dropped? When the "hold" button is released, does the plot update with the current version of the dataset, or does it wait for the next broadcast?
  4. Agreed that plotting retrospectively is the job of the browser/re-analyze. It seems to me that the same functionalities we are talking about for automated plotting from experiments would be directly usable for automated plotting from an experiment re-analyze functionality.
sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Yes, with those "display datasets", I think that the applet configuration could be simple enough and rather static, and configuring them from experiments may be not needed.

Yes, the current framework can do that and already has an option to enable/disable HDF5 output per dataset, it is called save (not archive).

Datasets updates are never dropped and when "hold" is released, the applet updates to the current dataset immediately.

ksmckay commented 8 years ago

Im way behind in terms of actually using Artiq but trying to catch up but I will throw out an opinion anyway.

I agree that having random applets show up randomly on the screen is annoying and would drive me nuts but isn't that up to the user? Can't the user choose how to use that feature and make the decision themselves in their code.

I think the absence of the "common plot" would be really annoying. I see a lot of value in being able to write up an experiment that whenever it runs it updates the common plot. If I dont want a calibration routine to show up in that plot I can control that in the file, right?

And if i can have a "common plot" I can have "common plot 2" and so forth to use for calibrations or whatever. If the applet named common plot doesnt exist it should create it, if it does then it overwrites it.

None of this affects the integrity of the data right? The results are still stored, its just the real time plotting of that data, not analysis.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Regarding your "common plot" comments, see my point 1.

dhslichter commented 8 years ago

All of this still does not resolve the question of having applets be automatically configurable/launchable. The approach @sbourdeauducq is proposing still means you have to manually launch applets for each of the desired named "display datasets" beforehand, and then each experiment has to reference those specific dataset names to come up in the already created plots. I still want to be able to have ARTIQ launch applets to display different kinds of data without my having to manually create the applets first. For something like just implementing a common plot (or several common plots), it's perhaps not so bad if one can script applet creation at startup (or if the state is saved each time). But let's say you do something dumb like accidentally closing the common plot, or you run a special calibration experiment that generates 3 different diagnostic graphs. One should not have to manually create all of these applets to see the data (remembering the names of the datasets to which the data is written etc). It should be possible for ARTIQ to create/recreate them automatically. The queue design for applets solves this problem while allowing for compliance with UI best practices, and can reuse code from the experiment queue for efficient implementation in the GUI. One can add a checkbox of "create applets immediately" to allow the user, as @ksmckay suggests, to have applets appear without having to click "fill/open applets", at the cost of disobeying the rule of not having windows pop up at random. Some people want this feature, but it should not be the default behavior.

None of this is at odds with what @sbourdeauducq has proposed, just adds a needed functionality.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

@dhslichter Closing an applet does not delete its configuration, it just unticks its "enabled" checkbox ...

dleibrandt commented 8 years ago

I would think that we could simply allow applets to be created but only in prepare, so that they would not pop up randomly and instead pop up immediately after the user presses run. Doesn't this satisfy ui design best practices? Then we don't need the queue, which sounds a bit annoying to use.

This is a feature I would like to have.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

That won't work, you can queue more than two experiments. Prepare stages are not executed in parallel.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

But we can define suggested applets in build and attach them to the experiment description (like arguments) for the GUI to use when submitting.

dhslichter commented 8 years ago

I really still fail to see what is wrong with having applets be generated automatically from experiments (without a queue) if they are docked and do not receive focus.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Docked where and how?

dleibrandt commented 8 years ago

@sbourdeauducq - ok, right. I see the problem there. As you say, perhaps we could define the applets in build, so that they would pop up when the user opens the experiment from the experiment browser. One thing I think would be nice is the ability to have a checkbox "open applets" to control whether you want the applets to open or not, and I don't know how this would work if they are opened in build. Another thought would be that we could have a new method "submit" that gets called immediately when the experiment is submitted to the pipeline, and applets could be opened in that method.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Worker processes (that are needed to run anything in a experiment) are created right before the experiment enters the prepare stage, not at submission. Keeping it that way saves resources when there is a long queue, which is why I propose attaching the suggested applets to the experiment descriptions instead of this submit method.

For doing this, build is actually not the best method, a new get_suggested_applets method called during repository scan after build sounds better.

r-srinivas commented 8 years ago

Would it be possible to have a specific window where applets launch instead of just creating a new dock per applet? Basically the same way all the experiment windows launch within the main window, except having a separate window just for applets that can be moved somewhere else.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

That doesn't really help with the problem of experiments opening windows in a way that is disconnected with the user's actions. You could be interacting with another applet when a new one pops up. Or are you suggesting this for another reason?

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

An alternative and more user-friendly way to have asynchronous applet openings is to present the experiment-created applets in something that looks like a list or web page. New applets are added at the bottom without disturbing existing ones, and applets are removed when the user closes them.

An applet is put in hold mode automatically when the experiment that created it finishes.

Problems with that approach are:

In the browser, the list of applets created by an experiment could be stored in the HDF5 file, and the browser closes and opens the corresponding applets when a HDF5 file is selected. Since applet startup may be slow and there are UI problems with restoring the scroll positions of the applet list, we may want to do that semi-manually and/or reuse applets.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

avoiding excessive resource consumption if the GUI is left unattended and too many applets are opened.

When more than N applets are open, we could disable new applet creation and display a message prompting the user to close some (as a non-obtrusive banner above the applets, and there could be a warning there when M applets are open). We could also add buttons to close all applets and close all applets older than X minutes (or close the Y oldest applets).

That "applet page" functionality would come in addition to the more permanent applet docks already implemented.

r-srinivas commented 8 years ago

That doesn't really help with the problem of experiments opening windows in a way that is disconnected with the user's actions. You could be interacting with another applet when a new one pops up. Or are you suggesting this for another reason?

I was just wondering if limiting the area in which it could pop up would be enough, but I guess you're right in that it could still disrupt the user.

I think what you suggested is a good idea, and should have the functionality we want. There's maybe one more click than HFGUI has but this would mean the applet would only pop up without disrupting the user. Had a couple of questions though,

That "applet page" functionality would come in addition to the more permanent applet docks already implemented.

Would this be a separate list from the dock, then? It would probably be the easiest if all the applet information was in one place.

In the browser, the list of applets created by an experiment could be stored in the HDF5 file, and the browser closes and opens the corresponding applets when a HDF5 file is selected.

What happens if the different experiments share the same datasets, or if the experiment was run more than once? Would this load the data corresponding to a specific RID or just what's in the dataset_db?

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Would this be a separate list from the dock, then? It would probably be the easiest if all the applet information was in one place.

The applet page is populated by the experiments and operates independently from the applet docks. The only interaction the dashboard user has with the page is scrolling, interacting with applets (zooming on plots etc.), and closing old applets.

What happens if the different experiments share the same datasets, or if the experiment was run more than once? Would this load the data corresponding to a specific RID or just what's in the dataset_db?

Each applet locally stores a copy of the original dataset ("An applet is put in hold mode automatically when the experiment that created it finishes").

ghost commented 8 years ago

[image: Inline image 1]

I think we're making this too complicated. Here's a proposed solution that I think is easy to use and implement.

No more applets. All plotting parametric using code is contained in the experiment file. No popup windows or docks. All plots appear in one (or more) common canvases. GUI machine maintains minimal state. Canvas gets overwritten based on whatever experiment is running.

Create a new configuration file (canvas.pyon) that contains the following.

Behavior at start of GUI.

When an ARTIQ program runs...


On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 10:20 AM, Sébastien Bourdeauducq < notifications@github.com> wrote:

Would this be a separate list from the dock, then? It would probably be the easiest if all the applet information was in one place.

The applet page is populated by the experiments and operates independently from the applet docks. The only interaction the dashboard user has with the page is scrolling, interacting with applets (zooming on plots etc.), and closing old applets.

What happens if the different experiments share the same datasets, or if the experiment was run more than once? Would this load the data corresponding to a specific RID or just what's in the dataset_db?

Each applet locally stores a copy of the original dataset ("An applet is put in hold mode automatically when the experiment that created it finishes").

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sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Inline image missing. What is a canvas zone, if not an applet?

dhslichter commented 8 years ago

How about we make a single non-closable window at GUI startup (like the DDS or TTL windows, in a spatial configuration which is saved by ARTIQ between GUI restarts), which Joe has called the "canvas". The canvas is the "home base" for applet plots, and can contain one or more docked applets (again, in a configuration saved by ARTIQ between GUI restarts). The applets are all named. An experiment can send datasets for plotting to a particular applet by name. The experiment can tell the applet the names of the datasets to be plotted (i.e. the experiment can tell a given applet to change the datasets it is plotting).

The user can pop the applets out of the canvas to resize/zoom/etc, and these applets will maintain their undocked locations/sizes after GUI restart. If an applet is closed and an experiment subsequently wants to send it data, it re-appears docked in the canvas window, at the end of the current dock, without changing the focus of the canvas window.

Each applet should add a radio button set with the options "hold and drop", "hold and new", and "overwrite". If the first option is checked, subsequent datasets sent by the experiment to be plotted are just ignored. If the second option is checked, subsequent datasets sent by the experiment to the applet are instead routed to a new applet which is created as docked in the canvas. If the "hold and new" applet has name appletname, the new one will have name appletname_copy1, and so forth. The decision to create a new window is governed by the "hold and new" status of appletname_copyk, where k is the largest number if there are multiple new applets created in this manner that exist. When an applet of name appletname_copyn is closed, the applet should be stopped, not just made invisible (i.e. in current design, it should be removed from the applet list, not just have its "enable" box unchecked).

In "overwrite", the data in the applet is overwritten when the datasets change. If an applet is changed to "overwrite" from either of the "hold" settings, it is updated immediately with the current values of the plotted datasets. However, any "new" windows of the type appletname_copyn are unaffected by the change of status of appletname or any other appletname_copyn. When datasets are broadcast to applets by name (e.g. to appletname), they are sent to all applets with base name appletname (i.e. to all appletname_copyn). All copies appletname_copyn must plot the same datasets as appletname. If the name of the datasets sent to appletname changes, it will also change for all applets appletname_copyn. The compiler should throw an error if a user attempts in the experiment file to create or update an applet whose name ends in the form _copyn

This scheme:

ghost commented 8 years ago

Canvas zone is much like an applet. But where the source that defines what gets plotted resides in the experiment file. I've attached the image again.

screen shot 2016-05-26 at 2 34 30 pm
sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

@jboulder What do you dislike about my "page" proposal? Or are you just trying to come up with an easier to implement system?

@dhslichter That window is very much like my "page", but a 2D grid and with the possibility to pop out applets.

dhslichter commented 8 years ago

@sbourdeauducq you are right, this is more or less your "page" proposal but enabling applets to be popped out. The 2D grid (a layout similar to how the TTL or DDS panels are laid out, with fixed size applets and column/row adjustment when the window is resized) would be good as well, but I think having applets just docked in the page as different tabs would be OK. However, I really want to be able to select specific applets to pop out to make larger or move to another screen location. I am fine with applets that are still in the "page" being constrained to a particular fixed size as long as they could be popped out.

@jboulder I think that the sort of gridded multizone plot array you are showing would be better suited to being its own applet, rather than the overall way in which plots are handled. I would much rather not be specifying grid coordinates in my experiment code, but rather resizing/rearranging plots using GUI tools as necessary. The grid zone scheme is both complicated to figure out how to populate (especially since many different experiments will be called, each potentially setting different applet positions) and also less flexible in terms of the allowed sizes and locations of plots than just manual layout/sizing in the GUI.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@jboulder I think that the sort of gridded multizone plot array you are showing would be better suited to being its own applet, rather than the overall way in which plots are handled.

That's an interesting idea. SB, can more than one experiment write to the same applet?

I would much rather not be specifying grid coordinates in my experiment code,

You wouldn't specify grid points in the experiment code -- this is setup once in canvas.pyon. Rather, you'd specify ("canvas1", "zone2") when plotting.

but rather resizing/rearranging plots using GUI tools as necessary. I'm aiming for expediency in implementation too.

The grid zone scheme is both complicated to figure out how to populate (especially since many different experiments will be called, each potentially setting different applet positions) I proposed that new plots overwrite existing plots. With a small number of canvases and a large number of possible experiments, the bookeeping of what goes where is then upto whatever convention is adoped by particular labs.

Broadly, I'm aiming for a solution where plot contents and plot presentation (canvas & zone) can be fully defined parametrically from within the experiment source. To me that's a higher priority than being able to click and drag to reconfigure things using fancy docks. I advocate to starting with less interactivity and adding GUI features that require sophisticated behind-the-scenes bookkeeping later.


dhslichter commented 8 years ago

Since we already have the GUI set up to pop out applets, move them around, and have their states remembered, my proposal doesn't require much new stuff to be developed, which was part of my goal. While I agree that fully scripted plot/display windows could be a nice feature for users, it seems like a better intermediate-term goal rather than the short-term goal we should be pushing for here. Right now the idea is to get it so that experiments can create plots, any plots, from within the experiment code. It seems that having them be able to create complex layouts of plots from within the experiment code would be a logical next step, but perhaps not the first step to take.

sbourdeauducq commented 8 years ago

Since we already have the GUI set up to pop out applets, move them around, and have their states remembered, my proposal doesn't require much new stuff to be developed

It's not that simple.