m-labs / nmigen

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vendor.xilinx_7series: Vivado TIMING-2 Warning #301

Closed peteut closed 4 years ago

peteut commented 4 years ago

Vivado issues TIMING-2 (default severity: CRITICAL) when create_clock uses a signal. Here is a potential solution to please create_clock: https://github.com/peteut/nmigen/commit/9e79a30655123c02a2a3025d8f5af0ce8c076b7f .

whitequark commented 4 years ago

Can you explain what does the filter expression in your commit does?

peteut commented 4 years ago

@whitequark this is indeed ugly and should be fixed, it's purpose is to filter negative ports of differential clock inputs, ending with __n. So it matches ports ending with __p or __io. Internal clocks are matched using ^.+/.+$, for signals like my_module/clk_out.

whitequark commented 4 years ago

You did explain why it's ugly, which is helpful (thanks!). Unfortunately, you didn't explain what it does, so I can't help you work out a nicer replacement. I don't have the Xilinx flavor of Tcl API memorized.

peteut commented 4 years ago

Here's an excerpt from UG906 explaining the TIMING-2 warning and how to use create_clock correctly:


The Tcl fragment does exactly that, it starts from the clock signal and determines it's startpoint using all_fanin -flat -startpoints_only. The returned could contains my-signal__p my-signal__n, therefore filter -regexp filters my-signal__n, so only a single item remain.

[filter -regexp [all_fanin -flat -startpoints_only \
                    [get_nets {{signal|hierarchy("/")}}]] {NAME =~{(^.*__p$)|(^.*__io$)|(^.+/.+$)}}]

Vivado Tcl reference is available here: Tcl Command Reference Guide, UG835.