Closed JohnAbarro closed 6 years ago
I just found this detailed quick start page which explains a different and more concise method of getting there. The link: I have repetitively and exhaustively been trying the instructions set up on another page:
I just want to inform anyone who runs into this sort of problem to use the detailed quick start. I have not tested this myself atm as I am currently downloading the image again and flashing it once more. I'll get back to my response if I found no luck.
The default passwords (for WiFi and SSH) are mentioned on Home-page. For SSH it is "openmha" instead of "raspberry". I put the corresponding sentences now in bold letters
The Instructions are thought for someone who has very good knowledge of the GNU/Debian/Linux environment and wants to set up everything rather than using the SD-card image. I won't recommend it if you are just looking to get things working for the first time.
To help in that process we came up with the Detailed Quick Start-page. I added a link to the detailed quick start page so that it is easier to find. Your feedback is very welcome. You can and are encouraged to change the WIKI-pages if you find mistakes.
edit: I also restructured and updated the Detailed Quick Start page a bit.
I keep getting access denied on the putty, even just by following the default username:pi password raspberry setup. I even tried the german keyboard version. I've set the putty to ssh(port 22). If it helps, I only have the pi connected to our router's lan and accessed it via wifi. I have also extracted the image through 7zip, and got a file about with a size of 3GB. I flashed the image using etcher.