m-tassano / fastdvdnet

FastDVDnet: A Very Fast Deep Video Denoising algorithm
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generation of DAVIS-training-mp4 #52

Closed Rose0506 closed 1 year ago

Rose0506 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Matias~I'm going to do my research in your FastDVDNet. I try to use other datasets together with the DAVIS-training-mp4 for training. However, when i generate my mp4 files and used them together with DAVIS-training-mp4 for training, error occured 'Assert on "codecid == codec_id" failed: File MP4/train_little/bear.mp4 is not the same codec as previous files Stacktrace', the reason must be different codec used in my mp4 files with DAVIS-training-mp4. So i want to konw the codec used in generating DAVIS-training-mp4, or could you give me the codes for preprocessing the DAVIS-training-mp4 in your github from jpg files. Sincerely hope to receive your reply! Thanks very much~

Rose0506 commented 1 year ago

Hi, MatiasI'm going to do my research in your FastDVDNet. I try to use other datasets together with the DAVIS-training-mp4 for training. However, when i generate my mp4 files and used them together with DAVIS-training-mp4 for training, error occured 'Assert on "codecid == codec_id" failed: File MP4/train_little/bear.mp4 is not the same codec as previous files Stacktrace', the reason must be different codec used in my mp4 files with DAVIS-training-mp4. So i want to konw the codec used in generating DAVIS-training-mp4, or could you give me the codes for preprocessing the DAVIS-training-mp4 in your github from jpg files. Sincerely hope to receive your reply! Thanks very much

m-tassano commented 1 year ago

Hi @Rose0506 , You can have a look at https://gist.github.com/m-tassano/0536391eb79d63864e5005ea4da88243 and especially https://gist.github.com/m-tassano/2ec9ffa064484472de8ac7eaf66c2ed8 for the code used to generate the mp4.

Additionally, here you can find the list of Davis sequences in the trainset https://gist.github.com/m-tassano/27c1ef00ca42a8e50c2cee8a4205e559#file-davis_trainseq_list-txt

As for the codec used, I don't unfortunately have access to the machine on which I run the code, so I wouldn't be able to tell you specifically which codec was used. Hope this helps.

Rose0506 commented 1 year ago

Thanks very much! I also have another question about training details, how to divide the trainig-set and validation-set from the 90 mp4-files in The 2017 DAVIS? Thanks for your help again~

m-tassano commented 1 year ago

I used all the training videos in the list above for training only. If you want, the Davis dataset has a separate validation set

Rose0506 commented 1 year ago

By the way, could you recommend the code for generating the frame sequences from mp4? Just corresponding to the code you used to generate the DAVIS data mp4 from sequences.

m-tassano commented 1 year ago

I assume that you mean how to extract the frames from the mp4s. You can try something like ffmpeg -skip_frame nokey -i input.mp4 -vsync vfr thumb%04d.png -hide_banner

(I haven't tried it but I believe it works)