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Google Billing Update #64

Closed sarmstr5 closed 5 years ago

sarmstr5 commented 5 years ago

FYI - Google Billing seems to have changed since the aboutme was written. For instance the about me says: "(for more than 1000 requests/sec add payment information)". I think you have to have payment information regardless.

My question is: I am trying to figure out the costs per query and I am not sure what the sku is for the query. Are these geocode requests? If so, looks like you get 40k requests a month with current monthly credit.

R/ Shane

Porter97 commented 5 years ago

Sadly these requests are billed under the highest places information requests (Places + Basic Data + Contact Data + Atmosphere Data), which given current rates allows for 5000 requests under the 200$ credit

sarmstr5 commented 5 years ago

Thanks Porter! I really appreciate it! I would recommend putting that in the AboutMe.md.

sarmstr5 commented 5 years ago

I submitted a PR to update the README.md with the information provided above by Porter97.