m00natic / vlfi

View Large Files in Emacs
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Is it possible to turn vlf into minor-mode? #4

Closed tuhdo closed 10 years ago

tuhdo commented 10 years ago

vlf provides a very nice way to divide and conquer large files. It would be much nicer if only it becomes a minor mode to be used with other major modes for extra features of the major modes, while having superb performance on large file.

Only the core feature of vlf, which allows Emacs to read a file chunk by chunk and later save back would be far enough.


m00natic commented 10 years ago

This has been crossing my mind lately too. I'll see what I can do ;-)

m00natic commented 10 years ago

If you feel adventurous, have a go at the minor-mode branch. I'll do it myself in the next few days and if no major regression pops out, should go in master towards end of week.

Beside VLF becoming minor mode, I made several refinements to be more cautious in case of modifications. Also other little improvements and fixes. I'm not sure C-c C-v is the best prefix we can get but all in all VLF integration now seems more natural.

tuhdo commented 10 years ago

Very nice!!!

Despite being in alpha status, I can already use it to view large file conveniently.

After playing with it for a while, here is a list of things that I think could be improved:

Thanks for the improvement. Please keep it up!

Edit: I think the most important issue to fix is the syntax highlighting between chunks. This makes vlfi functional with the major modes.

Edit2: If you want to release at the end of this week, you should do it. I don't think there's an easy fix for the highlighting problem. You can improve vlf with my other suggestions to make it better though.

tuhdo commented 10 years ago

Also, I think that C-c v is fine for prefix already, i.e. C-c v s for search... We don't need the extra control.

m00natic commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the comprehensive feedback and good ideas!

I'll later create tickets so things will be more tractable.

m00natic commented 10 years ago

[ 5 декември 2013, 05:58 +0200, четвъртък ] tuhdo:

Also, I think that C-c v is fine for prefix already, i.e. C-c v s for search... We don't need the extra control.

I'm afraid this is against Emacs guidelines where C-c + single letter is reserved for users. Maybe "C-x v" would be possible if VLF becomes Emacs built-in.

tuhdo commented 10 years ago

Context - this seems more complex. Like if you have huge comment block that spawns multiple batches, vlf would have to scan back a lot to detect this and somehow integrate with individual language or whatever modes. VLF would gain a lot once threads are available to Elisp and maybe something about context would be more doable then.

Actually this can easily occur without a comment or a string spans multiple batches. For example, the last line or few lines of a batch is in a middle of a comment. Moving to the next chunk will cut off the information from the previous chunk, and the highlighting is messed up. I think you can perform a regex search in previous batch to find the opening character of a pair and add the content from the point of that character until the second batch is filled up. The should be a set of opening pairs for VLF to search backward:

Once it finds theses characters, it loads the next batch from this point. The default set can also be customized for more opening characters.

User can also manually specify a point where the next batch should be loaded from that point. At least doing it this way, a user has the ability to control the batch content and able to prevent the broken highlighting problem. This is pretty practical, because I think user will usually specify a big enough batch size, so a comment that spans multiple batches hardly happens. Currently I set my batch size to 500,000 bytes. You should set the default size of VLF bigger as well (like 100,000), so the situation like comment spans multiple batches won't happen.

It is also much easier to implement compare to the automatic solution.

m00natic commented 10 years ago

I understand what you observe (me too). Unfortunately such automatic scanning would be mode dependent. Even one-line comments should be taken into account. Org-mode headers, tables, Lisp sources (finding the top-most opening paren), different comment symbols for different languages... Imagine the comment block is additional 10MB (OK this is pathological). I'll defer this for now.

The idea of manually specifying where to start next batch is cool and easy hack and gives control to the user. Coming soon ;-)

m00natic commented 10 years ago

I have now pushed the minor-mode branch in master. Added a command to display batch starting from point C-c C-v n. Also opened tickets for things we discussed here. Enjoy!