m0ngr31 / EPlusTV

Virtual linear channels for ESPN, ESPN+, MSG+, Paramount+, MLB.tv, and FOX Sports
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Allow express server port to be set from environment variable #72

Closed BEEG3R closed 8 months ago

BEEG3R commented 8 months ago

After failing to run this container using another container as it's network (for purposes of utilizing a VPN), and finding multiple old issues about people requesting a configurable port for this, I decided to do the work to make the port configurable via an environment variable on the docker container.

My use case was that gluetun VPN uses port 8000 in it's container, so running EPlusTV through that VPN would not work, since ::8000 was already in use.

In this implementation, if the user does not specify a PORT environment variable, this container will work the same as it always did, using port 8000. However, if a user does specify the PORT variable, the express server will run on whatever port is specified.

m0ngr31 commented 8 months ago

I have a few small fixes going out soon, I'll include this with the release. Thanks for the contribution @BEEG3R