m0ngr31 / kanzi

Alexa skill for controlling Kodi
MIT License
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specify the command when asking for confirmation, inc DE translations #204

Closed digiltd closed 7 years ago

digiltd commented 7 years ago

I asked Alexa to skip, she replied "are you sure?"

I thought "why yes Alexa, I am sure I want to skip" so replied with "yes"

aaaand she put Kodi to sleep

Simple mistake for her to make, but a pain the backside (for me) when it is made.

Knowing what I was confirming would have resulted in a different answer :)

mcl22 commented 7 years ago

Here are the translations: are_you_sureshutdown: "Bist du dir sicher, dass du das System herunterfahren möchtest?" are_you_surereboot: "Bist du dir sicher, dass du einen Neustart durchführen möchtest?" are_you_surehibernate: "Bist du dir sicher, dass das System in den Hibernate gehen soll?" are_you_suresuspend: "Bist du dir sicher, dass das System in den Suspend gehen soll?"

digiltd commented 7 years ago

Brilliant, thanks @mcl22

jingai commented 7 years ago

Merged, thanks!