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[Spike]: Investigate Google Analytics Alternatives #15

Open m0nq opened 3 weeks ago

m0nq commented 3 weeks ago

Objective: To evaluate and identify suitable website analytics tools that offer similar or improved functionality compared to Google Analytics.


Expected Outcome:

Time Estimate: This spike is estimated to take 2-3 business days to complete, depending on the complexity of the website and the number of tools evaluated.

Note: This spike focuses on the initial investigation and recommendation. The actual implementation of the chosen analytics tool would be a separate user story.

m0nq commented 3 weeks ago

Gatsby documentation for adding analytics https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/how-to/adding-common-features/adding-analytics/

Blaumaus commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I can suggest Swetrix as an alternative.

It's an opensource and selfhostable tool with most of functionality Google Analytics has to offer (session analysis, site speed monitoring, user flows, etc.)


m0nq commented 4 days ago

Thanks @Blaumaus. Will take a look into it :)