m0rtem / CloudFail

Utilize misconfigured DNS and old database records to find hidden IP's behind the CloudFlare network
MIT License
2.18k stars 463 forks source link

Err: Domain is not valid #105

Open FuckingToasters opened 9 months ago

FuckingToasters commented 9 months ago
root@vps-zap974513-1:~/tools/CloudFail# python3 cloudfail.py -t vbucksgenerator.zip
   ____ _                 _ _____     _ _
  / ___| | ___  _   _  __| |  ___|_ _(_) |
 | |   | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` | |_ / _` | | |
 | |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| |  _| (_| | | |
  \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|_|_|
    v1.0.5                      by m0rtem

[08:26:42] Initializing CloudFail - the date is: 22/09/2023  
[08:26:42] Fetching initial information from: vbucksgenerator.zip...  
[08:26:42] Domain is not valid, exiting 

the domain is indeed valid (i just bought it few days ago and already added some subdomains) i also tried to temporary disbale the firewall (as the firewall is configured in a way, to only allow cloudflare ip ranges) but disabeling it did not help.