m13253 / BiliDan

Play videos on Bilibili.com with MPV and Danmaku2ASS
513 stars 69 forks source link

ERROR: Can not get valid media URLs. #71

Closed chinuno-usami closed 8 years ago

chinuno-usami commented 8 years ago

昨天还能用。今天开了几个视频测试全都是提示 ERROR: Can not get valid media URLs.

zaldnoay commented 8 years ago


DEBUG: Detected mpv version: 0.19.0
INFO: Loading video info...
DEBUG: Fetch: http://api.bilibili.com/view?appkey=c1b107428d337928&page=1&type=json&sign=eeffe85d249429dc724c227ba0b32647&id=5865714
INFO: Got video cid: 9526149
INFO: Loading video content...
DEBUG: Fetch: http://interface.bilibili.com/playurl?appkey=f3bb208b3d081dc8&quality=4&sign=&cid=9526149
ERROR: Can not get valid media URLs.
m13253 commented 8 years ago

已确认。 API 那边还得麻烦 @cnbeining 菊苣。

这几天先用 --source flvcd 凑合吧。

liushuyu commented 8 years ago

I wrote a small patch in PR #72 , you could test whether it works.