m13253 / danmaku2ass

Convert comments from Niconico/AcFun/bilibili to ASS format
GNU General Public License v3.0
556 stars 92 forks source link

Fix the ReadCommentsAcfun method #21

Closed asahui closed 9 years ago

asahui commented 9 years ago

As acfun danmaku json file is formatted as '[ [{...}, {...}], [{...}, {...}], [{...}, {...}] ]', it is necessary to flatten the python list loaded from the json file.

m13253 commented 9 years ago

Have you done necessary testing?

And could you submit a sample JSON file for review?


asahui commented 9 years ago

I have done some testing, but just some. For example: http://www.acfun.tv/v/ac2006459 Its vid is 2360906 So the comment json file can be downloaded via url below. http://static.comment.acfun.mm111.net/2360906 It's the same file download via you-get.

I have tested about 5 or 6 comment json files either downloaded via you-get or downloaded via browser. All of these json files are formatted as '[ [{...}, {...}], [{...}, {...}], [{...}, {...}] ]', mostly '[ [], [], [{...}, {...}]', the first and the second list are blank.

m13253 commented 9 years ago

Got that. It seems that the comment format has changed in the last two years.

I will merge this request.