m15a / flake-awesome-neovim-plugins

Nix flake of Awesome Neovim plugins
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
47 stars 11 forks source link

Plugins depending on nvim-treesitter #114

Closed m15a closed 5 months ago

m15a commented 5 months ago


D select owner, repo, description[0:30] from plugins where repo <> 'nvim-treesitter' and repo similar to '.*tree-?sitter.*' or description similar to '.*tree-?sitter.*' order by site, owner, repo;
│       owner        │             repo              │        description[0:30]        │
│      varchar       │            varchar            │             varchar             │
│ AckslD             │ nvim-trevJ.lua                │ Nvim-plugin for doing the oppo  │
│ ChristianChiarulli │ nvcode-color-schemes.vim      │ A bunch of generated colorsche  │
│ EdenEast           │ nightfox.nvim                 │ 🦊A highly customizable theme f │
│ IndianBoy42        │ tree-sitter-just              │ Treesitter grammar for Justfil  │
│ JoosepAlviste      │ nvim-ts-context-commentstring │ Neovim treesitter plugin for s  │
│ Mr-LLLLL           │ treesitter-outer              │ Jump outer node smartly         │
│ NFrid              │ treesitter-utils              │ Treesitter methods to make my   │
│ RRethy             │ nvim-treesitter-textsubjects  │ Location and syntax aware text  │
│ adisen99           │ codeschool.nvim               │ Codeschool colorscheme for neo  │
│ altermo            │ ultimate-autopair.nvim        │ A treesitter supported autopai  │
│ dasupradyumna      │ midnight.nvim                 │ :crescent_moon:  A modern blac  │
│ desdic             │ agrolens.nvim                 │ Telescope extentions to view p  │
│ folke              │ tokyonight.nvim               │ 🏙  A clean, dark Neovim theme   │
│ haringsrob         │ nvim_context_vt               │ Virtual text context for neovi  │
│ kevinm6            │ kurayami.nvim                 │ Dark only theme for Neovim wit  │
│ mfussenegger       │ nvim-ts-hint-textobject       │ Region selection with hints on  │
│ mizlan             │ iswap.nvim                    │ Interactively select and swap   │
│ mrcjkb             │ haskell-snippets.nvim         │ My collection of Haskell snipp  │
│ numToStr           │ Comment.nvim                  │ :brain: :muscle: // Smart and   │
│ nvim-treesitter    │ nvim-treesitter-context       │ Show code context               │
│ nvim-treesitter    │ nvim-treesitter-textobjects   │                                 │
│ ray-x              │ aurora                        │ A vivid dark theme for (Neo)Vi  │
│ ray-x              │ go.nvim                       │ A feature-rich Go development   │
│ s1n7ax             │ nvim-comment-frame            │ Detects the language using tre  │
│ theniceboy         │ nvim-deus                     │ vim-deus with treesitter suppo  │
│ windwp             │ nvim-ts-autotag               │ Use treesitter to auto close a  │
│ xiaoshihou514      │ squirrel.nvim                 │ Jump around quickly using tree  │
│ ziontee113         │ syntax-tree-surfer            │ A plugin for Neovim that helps  │
│ 28 rows                                                                    3 columns │