m15a / flake-awesome-neovim-plugins

Nix flake of Awesome Neovim plugins
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Plugins depending on nvim-lspconfig #115

Closed m15a closed 5 months ago

m15a commented 5 months ago


D select owner, repo, description[0:30] from plugins where repo <> 'nvim-lspconfig' and repo similar to '.*lsp.*' or description similar to '.*lsp.*' order by site, owner, repo;
│       owner       │        repo        │        description[0:30]        │
│      varchar      │      varchar       │             varchar             │
│ ~whynothugo       │ lsp_lines.nvim     │ Show nvim diagnostics using vi  │
│ EdenEast          │ nightfox.nvim      │ 🦊A highly customizable theme f │
│ Junnplus          │ nvim-lsp-setup     │ A simple wrapper for nvim-lspc  │
│ LukasPietzschmann │ boo.nvim           │ Quickly pop-up lsp-powered inf  │
│ RishabhRD         │ nvim-lsputils      │ Better defaults for nvim-lsp a  │
│ VidocqH           │ lsp-lens.nvim      │ Neovim plugin for displaying r  │
│ adisen99          │ codeschool.nvim    │ Codeschool colorscheme for neo  │
│ akinsho           │ flutter-tools.nvim │ Tools to help create flutter a  │
│ alexaandru        │ nvim-lspupdate     │ Updates installed LSP servers,  │
│ amrbashir         │ nvim-docs-view     │ A neovim plugin to display lsp  │
│ anott03           │ nvim-lspinstall    │                                 │
│ chrisgrieser      │ nvim-dr-lsp        │ Status line component showing   │
│ deathbeam         │ lspecho.nvim       │ Just echo the LSP progress, it  │
│ folke             │ lsp-colors.nvim    │ 🌈  Plugin that creates missing │
│ folke             │ tokyonight.nvim    │ 🏙  A clean, dark Neovim theme   │
│ gfanto            │ fzf-lsp.nvim       │ Enable the power of fzf fuzzy   │
│ hinell            │ lsp-timeout.nvim   │ Start/stop LSP servers upon de  │
│ jinzhongjia       │ LspUI.nvim         │ A modern and useful UI plugin   │
│ linrongbin16      │ lsp-progress.nvim  │ A performant lsp progress stat  │
│ lopi-py           │ luau-lsp.nvim      │ A luau-lsp extension to improv  │
│ lukas-reineke     │ lsp-format.nvim    │ A wrapper around Neovims nativ  │
│ nanotee           │ nvim-lsp-basics    │ Basic wrappers for LSP feature  │
│ nvim-lua          │ lsp-status.nvim    │ Utility functions for getting   │
│ nvimdev           │ lspsaga.nvim       │ improve neovim lsp experience   │
│ ojroques          │ nvim-lspfuzzy      │ A Neovim plugin to make the LS  │
│ onsails           │ lspkind.nvim       │ vscode-like pictograms for neo  │
│ ray-x             │ lsp_signature.nvim │ LSP signature hint as you type  │
│ soulis-1256       │ eagle.nvim         │ Show diagnostics and lsp info   │
│ stevanmilic       │ nvim-lspimport     │ Automatically resolves imports  │
│ tamago324         │ nlsp-settings.nvim │ A plugin for setting Neovim LS  │
│ 30 rows                                                        3 columns │