m15a / flake-awesome-neovim-plugins

Nix flake of Awesome Neovim plugins
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
47 stars 11 forks source link

Outdated owner/repo names #126

Closed m15a closed 4 months ago

m15a commented 4 months ago

The following plugins have their owner or repository name changed:

update.fnl: query github.com repo: Everblush/everblush.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: everblush.nvim -> nvim
update.fnl: query github.com repo: Junnplus/nvim-lsp-setup
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: Junnplus -> junnplus
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: nvim-lsp-setup -> lsp-setup.nvim
update.fnl: query github.com repo: NFrid/due.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: NFrid -> nfrid
update.fnl: query github.com repo: NFrid/markdown-togglecheck
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: NFrid -> nfrid
update.fnl: query github.com repo: NFrid/treesitter-utils
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: NFrid -> nfrid
update.fnl: query github.com repo: NTBBloodbath/rest.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: NTBBloodbath -> rest-nvim
update.fnl: query github.com repo: Pocco81/AutoSave.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: Pocco81 -> pocco81
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: AutoSave.nvim -> auto-save.nvim
update.fnl: query github.com repo: Pocco81/DAPInstall.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: Pocco81 -> pocco81
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: DAPInstall.nvim -> dap-buddy.nvim
update.fnl: query github.com repo: Pocco81/HighStr.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: Pocco81 -> pocco81
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: HighStr.nvim -> high-str.nvim
update.fnl: query github.com repo: Pocco81/TrueZen.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: Pocco81 -> pocco81
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: TrueZen.nvim -> true-zen.nvim
update.fnl: query github.com repo: RRethy/nvim-base16
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: nvim-base16 -> base16-nvim
update.fnl: query github.com repo: altermo/nxwm
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: nxwm -> nwm
update.fnl: query github.com repo: beauwilliams/focus.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: beauwilliams -> nvim-focus
update.fnl: query github.com repo: ckolkey/ts-node-action
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: ckolkey -> CKolkey
update.fnl: query github.com repo: crispybaccoon/evergarden
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: crispybaccoon -> comfysage
update.fnl: query github.com repo: gnikdroy/projections.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: gnikdroy -> GnikDroy
update.fnl: query github.com repo: hakonharnes/img-clip.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: hakonharnes -> HakonHarnes
update.fnl: query github.com repo: haringsrob/nvim_context_vt
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: haringsrob -> andersevenrud
update.fnl: query github.com repo: hkupty/iron.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: hkupty -> Vigemus
update.fnl: query github.com repo: kvrohit/mellow.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: kvrohit -> mellow-theme
update.fnl: query github.com repo: kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: kyazdani42 -> nvim-tree
update.fnl: query github.com repo: kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: kyazdani42 -> nvim-tree
update.fnl: query github.com repo: maxmx03/FluoroMachine.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: FluoroMachine.nvim -> fluoromachine.nvim
update.fnl: query github.com repo: mickael-menu/zk-nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: mickael-menu -> zk-org
update.fnl: query github.com repo: nkakouros/scrollofffraction.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: nkakouros -> nkakouros-original
update.fnl: query github.com repo: ostralyan/scribe.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: ostralyan -> Ostralyan
update.fnl: query github.com repo: phaazon/mind.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: phaazon -> hadronized
update.fnl: query github.com repo: sekke276/dark_flat.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: sekke276 -> uncleTen276
update.fnl: query github.com repo: shaeinst/roshnivim-cs
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: shaeinst -> Abstract-IDE
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: roshnivim-cs -> Abstract-cs
update.fnl: query github.com repo: themercorp/themer.lua
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: themercorp -> ThemerCorp
update.fnl: query github.com repo: windwp/nvim-spectre
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: windwp -> nvim-pack
update.fnl: query github.com repo: xiyaowong/nvim-transparent
update.fnl: [WARNING] repo changed: nvim-transparent -> transparent.nvim
update.fnl: query github.com repo: yashguptaz/calvera-dark.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: yashguptaz -> niyabits
update.fnl: query github.com repo: yazeed1s/minimal.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: yazeed1s -> Yazeed1s
update.fnl: query github.com repo: yazeed1s/oh-lucy.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: yazeed1s -> Yazeed1s
update.fnl: query github.com repo: zeioth/heirline-components.nvim
update.fnl: [WARNING] owner changed: zeioth -> Zeioth
m15a commented 4 months ago

Upstream changes done.