m1dugh / RosettaStonks

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It doesn't work in my browsers #2

Closed DaemonOnUnix closed 10 months ago

DaemonOnUnix commented 2 years ago

Good morning,

I use a linux distribution and this bot didn't work on chrome nor chromium. It never showed up as ready on chrome, but on chromium it showed the stonks logo, but never left me a prompt. Manually editing the HTML didn't change anything and didn't allowed me to stonks on rosetta. I have to complete fluency builder in german at the moment. Rosetta Stone sucks and I'm gonna die from cringe by completing their exercises.


-- A desperate student

m1dugh commented 2 years ago

I havn't yet changed the documentation but rosetta stonks only works for foundations thus not for fluency builder. Although not being able to use rosetta stonks, there are still ways to add time efficiently. A pull request shall be made for the second semester to handle fluency builder Dm me on discord for info on how you can handle your problem with fluency builder.

DaemonOnUnix commented 2 years ago

Sure thing, could you give me your discord tag in order to join you ?

FanchBezard commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've looked at all your work and I'm also experiencing the same problem while being on Fluency Builder. Can you give me your discord to talk? Mine is loma#5086

I am literally begging you I am a student

DaemonOnUnix commented 1 year ago


For all of those having problems with fluency builder: switch to japanese. Then you will be able to click on the button on the extension.

Have a nice bypass of shitty software,

-- DaemonOnUnix

m1dugh commented 1 year ago

It should be working now with the new version released. It adds support for fluency builder.

FanchBezard commented 1 year ago

Salut, alors déjà sache que tu es un dieux pour avoir développé l'extension, mille merci du fond du cœur.

J'ai re téléchargé ton extension pour que cela fonctionne avec fluency builder car je dois validé de l'anglais. Cependant cela n'as pas fonctionné malgré l'attente des 24h comme indiqué :(

Est ce que tu pourrais m'aider à comprendre ce qu'il se passe s'il te plais ? Mon discord : loma#5086 Merci d'avance et encore bravo et merci d'avoir développé ça.

m1dugh commented 1 year ago

If it didn't work, there might be errors. If so they should be found in the extensions tab of the browser. To check if the requests are working, in the console tab of the inspection panel on rosetta stone, when you click add time there should be a promise object being printed. The error message might be in the result of this Promise.

Skylos27 commented 1 year ago

De mon côté ça ne marche plus non plus. J'ai essayé plusieurs navigateurs, mais je n'ai pas d'erreur dans la console. Je suis bien sur Foundation pourtant. @m1dugh si tu as une idée de pourquoi ça ne marche pas je suis preneur.

EDIT: J'ai réinstallé la version 1.1.0 Stable et la ça fonctionne correctement

m1dugh commented 1 year ago

Chez moi la version 2.0.1 marche correctement pour foudations

m1dugh commented 1 year ago

@FanchBezard ca marche pour moi sur fluency builder