m1entus / MZFormSheetPresentationController

MZFormSheetPresentationController provides an alternative to the native iOS UIModalPresentationFormSheet, adding support for iPhone and additional opportunities to setup UIPresentationController size and feel form sheet.
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interactivePanGestureDissmisalDireciton retains Content View Controller #41

Closed gastonmorixe closed 8 years ago

gastonmorixe commented 8 years ago


Awesome work here.

Be careful that setting interactivePanGestureDissmisalDireciton is retaining the controller presented and do never dealloc.

I solved by adding this in viewDidDissapear

    [self removeEdgeDismissalPanGestureRecognizer];
    [self removePresentaingViewDismissalPanGestureRecognizer];


gastonmorixe commented 8 years ago

ok.. maybe it was (and/or) the interactive transitionContext being strong

I made it weak and dealloc is working again

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<UIViewControllerContextTransitioning> transitionContext;
m1entus commented 8 years ago

Thanks, fixed.