m1entus / UIAlertController-MZStyle

Category for UIAlertController customization
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any ways to set the message colour ? #5

Open JoneRen opened 8 years ago

JoneRen commented 8 years ago

Is there any ways to set the message colour, when I use the dark mode, the message is also the black colour on ios 9, and it's able to change the button colours but no ways to set the message colour ? and also try every style all the message color is black in alter view. 970035af-7b95-4be4-adc2-78ec03f6b857

my codes: [UIAlertController mz_applyCustomStyleForAlertControllerClass:[UIAlertController class]]; MZAlertControllerStyle *defaultStyle = [UIAlertController mz_sharedStyle]; defaultStyle.blurEffectStyle = UIBlurEffectStyleDark; defaultStyle.backgroundColor = RF_WHITE_COLOR; defaultStyle.defaultButtonColor = RF_WHITE_COLOR; defaultStyle.destructiveButtonColor = RF_WHITE_COLOR;