m1jordanallen / 1.19OceanSurvival

Ocean Survival Modpack
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Twilight Forest final boss not in quest book #128

Open Hamparty opened 4 months ago

Hamparty commented 4 months ago

Elder Lich. Bams requests it gets knockback resistance.

4tw0ne commented 1 month ago

Boss Quest added to 'Way of the Warrior' in "4tw0ne_QuestBook_Edits_0.3".

Notes for applying Knockback.... This boss is from 'twilighttweaks-1.19.2-1.2'. Unpacking that Jar, the boss is generated by an MCfunction file located here "twilighttweaks-1.19.2-1.2\data\twilighttweaks\functions\final_boss_example.mcfunction"

I recommend the effect be applied to the books as well