m1jordanallen / 1.19OceanSurvival

Ocean Survival Modpack
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Crash getting info from boots #54

Closed 4tw0ne closed 11 months ago

4tw0ne commented 11 months ago

MultiMC, 0.0.6 10GB ram allocated

Crashes when I hover over an enchanted pair of boots in a chest.


m1jordanallen commented 11 months ago

Is this persistent or something easily reproduced?

4tw0ne commented 11 months ago

While the boots were in a chest, it happened any time I hovered over them with my mouse.

Since then I have sucked all of the items into a crafting grid. Of which does not produce the crash. Even if placed back into a chest, it now no longer crashes.

m1jordanallen commented 11 months ago


Thank you for responding :)