m1jordanallen / 1.19OceanSurvival

Ocean Survival Modpack
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Infernal bosses #63

Open ka13btv opened 11 months ago

ka13btv commented 11 months ago

All bosses (especially the Divine RPG bosses) should be infernal - as confirmed with Jon

m1jordanallen commented 11 months ago

elder guardian and dragon are now always infernal. I need a list of bosses to make infernal tho. There are SO MANY entities, lol.

ka13btv commented 11 months ago

bosses.csv This is a preliminsary list of bosses. I will refine it, but it's a starting point.

m1jordanallen commented 11 months ago

Divine RPG bosses cant be added :(

I did add others, but still need to do more