m1jordanallen / 1.19OceanSurvival

Ocean Survival Modpack
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Flux "useless" recipes #95

Closed 4tw0ne closed 8 months ago

4tw0ne commented 8 months ago

In the Flux Networks mod there are a couple recipes that are just cyclical, with no reason.

Flux plug Flux point Flux Controller Flux Basic, Herculean, Gargantuan storages

All of these you can put the item into a "shapeless recipe" to just pull out the same item again.

It may help to remove these recipes to prevent confusion over them.

m1jordanallen commented 8 months ago

This is intended as an easy settings reset. Doing this will reset the NBT of the item.

OmIAm commented 7 months ago

Is that global and for all items, or just that mod?