m1k1o / neko

A self hosted virtual browser that runs in docker and uses WebRTC.
Apache License 2.0
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Support for images in chat #234

Open alanmilinovic opened 1 year ago

alanmilinovic commented 1 year ago

I think it would be great to be able to paste image (image upload button would also be fine) directly in a chat. Once it is in a chat, clicking on picture would enlarge it.

I know you can do it with file transfer but maybe we can do upload image directly via chat and show smaller size like a preview in chat.

What are your thoughts? Is it hard to implement it? Not sure if this project is still actively developed and if owner is open for new ideas.

However, great project and thank you for all hard work.

m1k1o commented 1 year ago

It could only be implemented as sending simple base64 endoded string, that contains image. I have that code implemented here, so it could be just taken. But if the images would be big, it could introduce lags. So with proper upload it would be much better.

Yes, this project is actively developed, focus is currently on the renderer, GPU encoding etc. But this could be a nice PR.

alanmilinovic commented 1 year ago

Wow, looks very promising. Glad to see that you can reuse the code. 👍