m1k1o / neko

A self hosted virtual browser that runs in docker and uses WebRTC.
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Using self-hosted TURN Server #275

Closed ralfi closed 1 year ago

ralfi commented 1 year ago


based on my working Matrix / Nextcloud configuration with my own "hetzner-based" COTURN Server i try to adapt these settings for neko, bui it do not work. Seems to me it is related to my TURN secret or something like that. Here is the VAR def:

NEKO_ICESERVERS: "[{"urls": ["turn:<MY-COTURN-SERVER>:443?transport=udp", "turn:<MY-COTURN-SERVER>:443?transport=tcp", "turns:<MY-COTURN-SERVER>:443?transport=udp", "turns:<MY-COTURN-SERVER>:443?transport=tcp"], "credential": "<MY-COTURN-CREDENTIAL"}, {"urls": ["stun:stun.nextcloud.com:443"]}]"

What could be wrong there? Thank you!

m1k1o commented 1 year ago

For first sight, i see that you use ", try switching to ' for env because json uses ".

yesBad commented 1 year ago

Mine have been set like so in the docker-compose.yml: - 'NEKO_ICESERVERS= [{"urls": ["turn:66.222.333.333:3478", "stun:66.222.333.333:3478"], "username": "Your", "credential": "Creds"}]'

ralfi commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the hints but i will out for short vacancy a few days, try it later...

ralfi commented 1 year ago

Mine have been set like so in the docker-compose.yml: - 'NEKO_ICESERVERS= [{"urls": ["turn:66.222.333.333:3478", "stun:66.222.333.333:3478"], "username": "Your", "credential": "Creds"}]'

Mmmh, in which docker-compose section do you have this setting? And how do you define your username? docker-compose appears with error but triple syntax check and seems to be okay.

yesBad commented 1 year ago

Mmmh, in which docker-compose section do you have this setting? And how do you define your username? docker-compose appears with error but triple syntax check and seems to be okay.

I'll send you my Docker compose in about an hour!

yesBad commented 1 year ago

Mmmh, in which docker-compose section do you have this setting? And how do you define your username? docker-compose appears with error but triple syntax check and seems to be okay.

I'll send you my Docker compose in about an hour!

https://ili.cx/t/nekoconf <-- There you go! :)

ralfi commented 1 year ago

Thank you! I must learn the syntax ...

ralfi commented 1 year ago

Mmmh, in which docker-compose section do you have this setting? And how do you define your username? docker-compose appears with error but triple syntax check and seems to be okay.

I'll send you my Docker compose in about an hour!

https://ili.cx/t/nekoconf <-- There you go! :)

Hi yesBad,

i am a little bit confused and not a expert for TURN configuration. Jitsi needs only TURN / TURNS server var and only the static-auth-secret string, matrix-synapse the same. But whithout these or similar vars in the docker-compose yaml the connection to my coturn server do not work.

Can you please explain how i can set these vars for neko?

yesBad commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry I have no clue about such. I just setup a simple coturn, set password & username and that is it.

m1k1o commented 1 year ago

I also just use password. There is some Oauth option for authentication but its not implemented for neko. Can you switch to password auth?

ralfi commented 1 year ago


These is my complete turnserver.conf (Debian / coturn Package) How can i do this?