m1k1o / neko

A self hosted virtual browser that runs in docker and uses WebRTC.
Apache License 2.0
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Question about NEKO_PASSWORD* and diff between admin and user #288

Closed innerop closed 1 year ago

innerop commented 1 year ago


I searched this repo for all occurence of NEKO_PASSWORD to see how the access control mechanism is implemented. I could only find references in Dockerfile for base, docker-compose.yaml and some docs. Where in the code does it test if the entered value == NEKO_PASSWORD? is it in the frontend code? I can't seem to be able to find the place in the code where the test is performed, and where in the code it recognizes that the user is admin or regular?

A related question: what is the difference between admin and user? I can't tell. I get the same features it seems. Is the difference documented?

innerop commented 1 year ago

I found some privileged functionality protected by the pwd

Like https://github.com/m1k1o/neko/blob/master/server/internal/http/http.go#L86

But not able to find where the password is checked to allow or not allow login.... Will keep looking

m1k1o commented 1 year ago

We use viper that loads configuration from multiple sources, also from env. You can read about it more e.g. here: https://dev.to/techschoolguru/load-config-from-file-environment-variables-in-golang-with-viper-2j2d

Difference between admin and user is, that admin can:

Screen size: image

Locks: image

Context menu for user (right click on avatar): image

Broadcast (in settings): image

Yes, current documentation could be better. There are many things as comments in issues, it would be nice to go through it all and put it on a page.

P.S.: Its checked here: https://github.com/m1k1o/neko/blob/b2080649ea50d942c3e9887813d867edbfc21052/server/internal/websocket/websocket.go#L365-L384

innerop commented 1 year ago

Yes on the need to update the docs, just not very good at docs myself, but I'll try and see if I have any time, when I free up. Thank you so much for all this info. At least it's here now in the issues.