m1k1o / neko

A self hosted virtual browser that runs in docker and uses WebRTC.
Apache License 2.0
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Question: Limiting UDP ports #298

Closed NN-Binary closed 1 year ago

NN-Binary commented 1 year ago


Just a question, what is the reasoning to use 100 UDP ports? I wish to stay on the multiple ports model, I guess this is to allow up to X persons joining?

Will it break internal features if I use 10 ports? I want a maximum of 4 watchers at a time.

m1k1o commented 1 year ago

All those questions are explained in the docs: https://neko.m1k1o.net/#/getting-started/?id=why-so-many-ports

I guess this is to allow up to X persons joining?


Will it break internal features if I use 10 ports?


yesBad commented 1 year ago

You can also run a coturn server or similar to need even less ports :)