m1k1o / neko

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[Help] Trying to install apps using XFCE image #351

Open phere-x opened 6 months ago

phere-x commented 6 months ago

Was trying to install discord and chrome. Downloade the appropriate .deb file and ran sudo apt install file.deb

It seemed to install but when opening an application the icon would pop up & instantly close. I don't familiar with this distro so am sorta clueless. What do I need to do to get it working?

m1k1o commented 6 months ago

To install local files, make sure that they are represented as paths, starting with ./ e.g. sudo apt install ./file.deb otherwise apt is trying to find dependency named file.deb not a file.

If its intalled you could look at logs to see why it failed. Or start it in terminal and see if it writes some logs.