m1k1o / neko

A self hosted virtual browser that runs in docker and uses WebRTC.
Apache License 2.0
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Any ideas or thoughts about mapping printers #368

Open Busbar2297 opened 4 months ago

Busbar2297 commented 4 months ago

I think the next logical step is mapping endusers printers inside the app, any thoughts how it can be done or implemented in code?

mbattista commented 4 months ago

I do not think, that it is the next logical step. Just create a PDF and Mail it.

But if you want to use the printers of the linux Maschine that hosts the neko application, it is possible by mapping the whole /dev folder into the container. More information: https://forums.balena.io/t/docker-container-cannot-access-dynamically-plugged-usb-devices/4277

If you want to have the printers of the User that has control over the application via the browser, this is imposible. I mean, there are some printer that have a cloud print Feature, that could be used in this case, e.g. via https://www.uniflow.global/en/solutions/mobile-printing/ but I do not know if this will help you.

Busbar2297 commented 4 months ago

I guess if this will be used as workplace solution i would want to print the page i am viewing on my printers, citrix and Kasim do that, i think they use the universal printer driver + mapping printers via the protocol, rdp can do that, would love to investigate it

mbattista commented 4 months ago

Neko is a shared environment. The idea is, that everyone can take control and that you only need a browser for it to work.

The examples you named need to be installed on your maschine, e.g. citrix workspace. The browser has no way to get your local printer information. And even if there was a way, those printers would need to change every time someone else took control.

So while neko could be used as a workspace solution, dedicated solutions will work better.