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Example command given from application cannot be used #10

Open m1oojv opened 8 months ago

m1oojv commented 8 months ago

Context : data is currently the sample data given by application on start up

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 4.36.47 PM.png

I got an error from the application after add

so i used the example given to me

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 4.38.26 PM.png

i still get an error. very unhelpful example command from error message

soc-pe-bot commented 7 months ago

Team's Response

Hello tester, the example command provided in the first screenshot is to show you the correct format that should be followed when using the add command as a follow-up from your incorrect format when using the command. This is to aid you in inputting the correct format in the future. It is natural that the example may not work since your data in the application can vary at different points in time.

We understand that you may have compared it to the likes of our commands listed in our UG or DG, where we explicitly list the command down for readers to run. However, those scenarios are catered to a specific subset of data values in your application so that it is ensured the commands can be run successfully.

In fact, the reason why the command did not run is clearly stated in your second screenshot. Hope that clarifies the situation.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: Dear Team,

I appreciate your explanation, but I must insist that the issue with the example command provided by the application is significant and warrants attention. The purpose of an example command in an error message is to guide the user through the correct usage of the application, particularly when they have made an error. If the example provided cannot be executed with the sample data included with the application, it defeats the purpose of the example and could lead to further confusion.

When a user encounters an error, they may already be unsure of how to proceed. Providing an example command that does not work with the current state of the application—even if it is sample data—may increase the user's uncertainty and frustration if they need to continue to debug YOUR example command. It is reasonable for users to expect that example commands should be immediately testable and yield successful results, especially with the initial data set provided by the application itself.

Furthermore, while it is understandable that data within the application can vary, the initial state of the application is controlled and known. Therefore, example commands in error messages should be tailored to work with the sample data. This would allow users to learn from the example and understand the correct command format within a safe and controlled context.

The fact that the error message does not provide actionable guidance through the example command in the context of the provided sample data suggests an oversight in the application's user support system. Users should not be expected to debug example commands, and error messages should be constructed to offer clear, actionable, and correct guidance.

Given these points, the issue at hand does affect the usability of the application and should be recognized as a bug that needs to be addressed to improve the user experience and provide clearer support to the users, especially when they are trying to learn and correct their mistakes.

Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 10.11.08 AM.png

Additionally, I'd like to highlight the guidance provided by the professor regarding the handling of bugs. A rejection of a bug should be reserved for cases where the bug is deemed irrelevant or unnecessary to address, both in the current context and in the foreseeable future. However, in this instance, the example command's failure directly impacts the user's ability to learn from their mistakes and understand the application, which is undeniably relevant.

The purpose of an example command, especially when it follows an error, is to provide immediate relief and instruction to the user. When the example itself leads to another error, it not only extends the user's frustration but also undermines their learning process. This is counterproductive to the application's user experience and could dissuade users from continuing to engage with the software, which is particularly critical for non-technical users such as head nurses and medical workers who do not have time to debug on your appplication while on duty.

Therefore, considering the professor's guidance and the direct impact on user experience, this bug should not be rejected but accepted and prioritized appropriately. It is crucial that we ensure our application is as user-friendly and supportive as possible, particularly when users are attempting to navigate an error they have encountered.

## :question: Issue severity Team chose [`severity.Low`] Originally [`severity.Medium`] - [x] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** Dear Team, I must voice my disagreement with the classification of the severity of the example command error as low. The provision of non-functional example commands is not a situation that merely causes a minor inconvenience; rather, it directly affects the normal operations of the product. When users, particularly those who are not tech-savvy, encounter errors, they rely heavily on the example commands provided by the application to understand the correct usage. If these commands are not immediately functional, especially with the default dataset, the issue escalates from being a minor inconvenience to causing a significant disruption in the user experience. However, I do recognize that the users can head to your user guide for correct examples, which is why i downgraded this issue from a high severity to a medium severity. But, I think it should be acknowledged that we cannot expect users to constantly refer to your user guide as that defeats the purpose of the speed of a CLI and the need to save time for medical workers when on duty. By categorizing this flaw as low severity, we risk underestimating the frequency and impact of the issue. It is likely that every new user of the application will test out the example commands as part of their learning process. In this context, the flaw does not appear in 'very rare situations' but is a common hurdle for new users, thus aligning more closely with a medium severity level. The inability to rely on the example commands can lead to repeated errors, needing a lot of time to debug, increasing the time it takes for users to become proficient with the application and potentially diminishing their trust in the application's reliability. Moreover, the target user group for the application consists of head nurses who may not have extensive technical expertise and are likely to rely on such guided inputs to operate the application effectively. If the example commands fail to execute successfully on sample data, it impedes users' ability to perform essential functions in short time spans, which contradicts the very purpose of including example commands in error messages. Considering these factors, the issue at hand should be classified at least as medium severity. It is an inconvenience that users are likely to encounter occasionally, but when they do, it hinders their ability to continue using the product effectively. I recommend that the severity of this issue be reassessed with a focus on the user experience and the operational flow of the product. ![Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 10.19.47 AM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m1oojv/pe/main/files/77e063f0-afab-42f4-975b-3e7809668020.png)