m2-farzan / ros2-galactic-PKGBUILD

AUR Package for ROS 2 Galactic
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rviz_rendering: variable NOTFOUND (library_abs) #8

Closed oysstu closed 2 years ago

oysstu commented 2 years ago

Getting the following error when recompiling for python 3.10. Not sure if it is due to newer version of cmake, assimp, or ros2.

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
    linked by target "rviz_rendering" in directory <...>/ros2-galactic/src/ros2/src/ros2/rviz/rviz_rendering

CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.

The variable is defined as a temporary variable in rviz_assimp_vendor, and is not used directly in the rviz_rendering CMakeLists.txt, but CMake still throws an error (possibly due to the ament_target_dependencies(PUBLIC rviz_assimp_vendor) macro).

m2-farzan commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting the issue. I'm on a tight schedule right now, so I'll greatly appreciate a PR. By the way, did you try to clean-build?

oysstu commented 2 years ago

Hi, I think this is an upstream issue. I'm not quite sure how to fix it, since the variable is declared in another package than where the error occurs.

oysstu commented 2 years ago

Looks like an issue has been created at already at https://github.com/ros2/ros2/issues/1222. Closing this, as this hopefully will be resolved upstream.

m2-farzan commented 2 years ago

Patched by 343c9f3a2505b2e50ca4dacf3f96de67984d703e. Thanks!