m242 / maildrop

MailDrop is an open-source, scalable, high-performance version of Mailinator.
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Questions and Issues #19

Closed Ashtor closed 9 years ago

Ashtor commented 9 years ago

Hi. This isn't really a issue i'm sending,but stll a issue.. just using this to ask you few questions 1.) What happened to maildrop.cc site? it says that its possible to contact you via your maildrop.cc email,but there is no way of receiving or sending email.. why do I get any received emails at all,no matter what emal service I use? HAve you stopped with the maildrop.cc site? 2.) Is the maildrop.cc site just for receiving emails people dont want,but still not receive emails or is it really stopped working? because I can't see any email to contact you. if try to send a emal to you using the @maildrop.com service,I get a email back that it wasn't sent.. Could you fix it so I can really see that I have received it? 3.) What if you want to register on a site,but don't want spam or anything,but can't use disposable emailaddress like maildrop.cc .. How you going to prevent the spam?